[comp.sys.amiga.misc] amiga laptops

arctngnt@amiganet.chi.il.us (Bowie J Poag) (05/31/91)

My advice to any CBM honcho reading: FLOOD THE MARKET.

From what I hea,r prices are being dropped on the low-end Amigas, such as the
A500's and some stock A2000s . This is a good thing.

As for CDTV, My dealer has apparently "ignored" this secrecy policy... He
letspeople play with it if they feel like it, its displayed on the checkout
counter hooked up to a 1084.

Get as many Amigas out there as possible. Then introduce laptops and count
your money. Keep flooding the market, like which was done for the C64.

Make the world a better place...

A place, where theres ALWAYS room for Jell-O
Arctangent (Naperthrill, Illinois, USA)