[comp.sys.amiga.misc] New newsgroup comp.sys.amiga.system needed

zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) (05/31/91)

Yes, I hate to say it, but the all-encompassing grand re-organization
of comp.sys.amiga missed one.  It has been about six months since the
re-organization passed, so I feel it is time to suggest one more

A new group called comp.sys.amiga.system would be quite useful.

This group would be for the discussion of operating system related
things, such as all the KickStart/WorkBench concerns, shells, and so
on.  It would also concern all those utilities such as backup
programs, screen blankers, mouse accellerators, directory utilities,
and so on that make the Amiga faster, easier, or safer without directly
producing useful work.  The group would be unmoderated.

Most of this sort of discussion is now ending up in
comp.sys.amiga.misc, with some trickling into csa.applications and
into csa.programmer.

The so-called "name-space freaks" should like this one, as there
already exists a comp.sys.mac.system, with (presumably) similar

I do not have the resources to run a vote.  Do we have any volunteers
to make a formal call for discussion (this note with a different
Subject: line, I imagine) and call for votes?  I can think of a couple
people who could do it, but they know who they are.

           Dan Zerkle  zerkle@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu  (916) 754-0240
           Amiga...  Because life is too short for boring computers.

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (05/31/91)

In article <9072@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu> zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) writes:
>Yes, I hate to say it, but the all-encompassing grand re-organization
>of comp.sys.amiga missed one.  It has been about six months since the
>re-organization passed, so I feel it is time to suggest one more
>A new group called comp.sys.amiga.system would be quite useful.
>This group would be for the discussion of operating system related
>things, such as all the KickStart/WorkBench concerns, shells, and so
>on.  It would also concern all those utilities such as backup
>programs, screen blankers, mouse accellerators, directory utilities,
>and so on that make the Amiga faster, easier, or safer without directly
>producing useful work.  The group would be unmoderated.
>Most of this sort of discussion is now ending up in
>comp.sys.amiga.misc, with some trickling into csa.applications and
>into csa.programmer.
>The so-called "name-space freaks" should like this one, as there
>already exists a comp.sys.mac.system, with (presumably) similar
>I do not have the resources to run a vote.  Do we have any volunteers
>to make a formal call for discussion (this note with a different
>Subject: line, I imagine) and call for votes?  I can think of a couple
>people who could do it, but they know who they are.
>           Dan Zerkle  zerkle@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu  (916) 754-0240
>           Amiga...  Because life is too short for boring computers.

	How about, in an effort to spread the Amigaoids far and
wide, comp.os.amiga? 8-) One thing is that "system" is a term the
Mac uses to refer to the OS. On the Amiga, the term system isn't
used. AmigaDOS and WorkBench are most common, followed by
Kickstart, Exec and ROM Kernal. I know that these aren't all
accurate, and in fact this newsgroup would probably cover them
all, but they are what most Amiga owners say.
	If not comp.os.amiga, probably comp.sys.amiga.os. But,
I'm no net.freak, I'll vote for either one. 8-) Don't forget
about comp.sys.amiga.when.is.2.0.being.released? 8-)
	-- Ethan

Now the world has gone to bed,		Now I lay me down to sleep,
Darkness won't engulf my head,		Try to count electric sheep,
I can see by infrared,			Sweet dream wishes you can keep,
How I hate the night.			How I hate the night.   -- Marvin

xanthian@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Kent Paul Dolan) (05/31/91)

zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) writes:

> Yes, I hate to say it, but the all-encompassing
> grand re-organization of comp.sys.amiga missed
> one.

Missed several, actually, but adding twelve groups
at a whack was probably the limit the net would

> It has been about six months since the
> re-organization passed, so I feel it is time to
> suggest one more group.

Don't stop at one, more are needed.

> A new group called comp.sys.amiga.system would be
> quite useful.

> This group would be for the discussion of
> operating system related things, such as all the
> KickStart/WorkBench concerns, shells, and so on.

Fair enough.

> It would also concern all those utilities such as
> backup programs, screen blankers, mouse
> accellerators, directory utilities, and so on that
> make the Amiga faster, easier, or safer without
> directly producing useful work. The group would be
> unmoderated.

Those are all applications (except that the
directory utilities could fit in a system group
equally easily), even if their only contribution
gets costed under overhead. Moving this kind of
discussion to c.s.a.applications, which is fairly
quiet compared to c.s.a.misc, would solve this
part of the problem.

> Most of this sort of discussion is now ending up
> in comp.sys.amiga.misc, with some trickling into
> csa.applications and into csa.programmer.

Well, there was always going to be the problem that
too many discussions would stay in c.s.a.misc; it
is mostly a matter of gently redirecting them.  Maybe
a monitor for c.s.a.misc is in order.  If so, are
there any volunteers?

> The so-called "name-space freaks" should like this
> one, as there already exists a
> comp.sys.mac.system, with (presumably) similar
> purposes.

Well, the NeXT folks are discussing having a
*.sysadmin, which might provide a little tighter
focus, but either would do.

> I do not have the resources to run a vote. Do we
> have any volunteers to make a formal call for
> discussion (this note with a different Subject:
> line, I imagine) and call for votes? I can think
> of a couple people who could do it, but they know
> who they are.

Before going public, why not chat in the Amiga
groups for a bit about doing something about
c.s.a.programmer, which is still _much_ too big.
Does any clever soul see a reasonably clean
partitioning of the current traffic?

I'd suggest c.s.a.advocacy as the natural place
for such a discussion, and have pointed followups

Also, comp.unix.amiga garnered a lot of traffic
as Amiga SYSV R4 Unix took off; it may be time, or
be time soon, to look at a partitioning there.

And, comp.sys.amiga.hardware could easily be cut
into a .design, .standard, .3rd-party, and .hackers
set or some such to cut the existing traffic there
into manageable chunks.

If we chat about the things folks see misaligned
from the last reorganization a bit, perhaps a better
way can be found and more things included in this
vote than just a cleanup of one of the problem

Since the reorganization, we've picked up Matt
Dillon's two alt groups for Amiga UUCP, and
surprisingly with all the other available spots, the
mordibund group alt.sources.amiga has become a
moderately active _discussion_ area. That really
looks like just folks looking desperately for a
quiet place to chat.

That gives about 20 Amiga newsgroups overall; not
quite the half of the net we were aiming for, but a
good start. If we multiply by four again this time,
80 newsgroups should give us a little elbow room
for the next six months.


                                                           /// It's Amiga
                                                          /// for me:  why
Kent, the man from xanth.                             \\\///   settle for
<xanthian@Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> <xanthian@well.sf.ca.us>   \XX/  anything less?
Convener, COMPLETED comp.sys.amiga grand reorganization.