[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Moving up to the 3000

neil@celia.UUCP (Neil Richmond) (05/17/91)

I am (hopefully) getting my A3000 soon. I want to move my hard disk from my
A2000 to the A3000 as my second disk. It is an external, full height, 140 mb,
SCSI drive that is my 1st SCSI disk, DH2: and my boot disk on the A2000. I 
want to set it to SCSI device #2 on the A3000. besides changing the termination
on the internal drive on the A3000, what else do I have to do?  Do I have to
change any mountlists? Do I have to re-prep the drive? I would like to keep
everything on there without reformatting this drive. I am getting prepared for
my A3000 which I should have in a couple of weeks. Thanks in advance.


Only 3152 shopping days left till the next millenium! 
Neil F. Richmond         INTERNET: celia!neil@usc.edu
Rhythm & Hues Inc.       UUCP: ...{ames,hplabs}!lll-tis!celia!neil)

neil@celia.UUCP (Neil Richmond) (05/21/91)

Since I only got 1 response, I am reposting my article:

I am (hopefully) getting my A3000 soon. I want to move my hard disk from my
A2000 to the A3000 as my second disk. It is an external, full height, 140 mb,
SCSI drive that is my 1st SCSI disk, DH2: and my boot disk on the A2000. I 
want to set it to SCSI device #2 on the A3000. besides changing the termination
on the internal drive on the A3000, what else do I have to do?  Do I have to
change any mountlists? Do I have to re-prep the drive? I would like to keep
everything on there without reformatting this drive. I am getting prepared for
my A3000 which I should have in a couple of weeks. Also, my old controller was
an A2090. Has anyone had any experience like this. Thanks in advance.


Only 3147 shopping days left till the next millenium! 
Neil F. Richmond         INTERNET: celia!neil@usc.edu
Rhythm & Hues Inc.       UUCP: ...{ames,hplabs}!lll-tis!celia!neil)

ung@felix.UUCP (Bill Ung) (05/22/91)

In article <1024@celia.UUCP> celia!neil@usc.edu (Neil Richmond) writes:
>I am (hopefully) getting my A3000 soon. I want to move my hard disk from my
>A2000 to the A3000 as my second disk. It is an external, full height, 140 mb,
>SCSI drive that is my 1st SCSI disk, DH2: and my boot disk on the A2000. I 
>want to set it to SCSI device #2 on the A3000.besides changing the termination
>on the internal drive on the A3000, what else do I have to do?  Do I have to
>change any mountlists? Do I have to re-prep the drive? I would like to keep
>everything on there without reformatting this drive. I am getting prepared for
>my A3000 which I should have in a couple of weeks. Thanks in advance.

Speaking in general SCSI terms (ie: independent of the Amiga), SCSI devices
require a unique device ID (0-7), I believe the computer either has ID 0
or ID 7, the first attached drive should be ID 0 or ID 1 (depending on the
computer's ID), you'll want to set your second drive ID to the next ID number
in the chain.  I don't know anything about mountlists but I doubt you'd have
to re-prep the drive, it should recognize it as long as volume names don't
conflict.  I hope I'm right about the second part, I'm no Amiga expert but
I'm sure about the device ID stuff.

Bill Ung

dave@unislc.uucp (Dave Martin) (06/01/91)

From article <163468@felix.UUCP>, by ung@felix.UUCP (Bill Ung):
> In article <1024@celia.UUCP> celia!neil@usc.edu (Neil Richmond) writes:
>>I am (hopefully) getting my A3000 soon. I want to move my hard disk from my
>>A2000 to the A3000 as my second disk. It is an external, full height, 140 mb,
>>SCSI drive that is my 1st SCSI disk, DH2: and my boot disk on the A2000. I 
>>want to set it to SCSI device #2 on the A3000.besides changing the termination
>>on the internal drive on the A3000, what else do I have to do?  Do I have to
>>change any mountlists? Do I have to re-prep the drive? I would like to keep
>>everything on there without reformatting this drive. I am getting prepared for
>>my A3000 which I should have in a couple of weeks. Thanks in advance.
> Speaking in general SCSI terms (ie: independent of the Amiga), SCSI devices
> require a unique device ID (0-7), I believe the computer either has ID 0
> or ID 7, the first attached drive should be ID 0 or ID 1 (depending on the
> computer's ID), you'll want to set your second drive ID to the next ID number
> in the chain.  I don't know anything about mountlists but I doubt you'd have
> to re-prep the drive, it should recognize it as long as volume names don't
> conflict.  I hope I'm right about the second part, I'm no Amiga expert but
> I'm sure about the device ID stuff.
> Bill Ung

On the A3000, the out-of-the-box setup is for the computer to be
ID 7 and the internal drive to be ID 6.

If you are adding a drive externally to the A3000, you do not need the
change the internal termination.  Make sure the external drive has
termination and an ID other than 6 or 7.  On the 3000 the IDs do not have
to be consecutive, just make sure they don't conflict.

Also, if you add any other SCSI devices in the future, make sure you never
have more than two terminators and make sure they are as close to the
ends as you can get them (where one end is/are the drive(s) inside the case
and the other end is whatever is furtherest away on the external chain.)
The book that comes with the 3000 explains this stuff pretty well.

If the 2090 uses the rigid disk block format, then it should come up fine
without re-preping it.  I'm not sure what the current situation with
reselection is, but to be safe, if the second drive has it enabled you
should disable it, which will require updating the rigid disk blocks
somehow.  Apparently hdtoolbox only updates them when the drive is
low-level-formatted, but I'll defer to someone else with more knowlege of
this problem.
VAX Headroom	Speaking for myself only... blah blah blahblah blah...
Internet: DMARTIN@CC.WEBER.EDU                 dave@saltlcy-unisys.army.mil
uucp:     dave@unislc.uucp or use the Path: line.
Now was that civilized?  No, clearly not.  Fun, but in no sense civilized.