[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga to Mac sound file conversion

dasay@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Devin N Asay) (05/22/91)

Anybody out there know of any utilities that convert Amiga IFF sampled
audio files to any Mac audio file format?

Devin N. Asay
Computer-Based Instruction
*The* Ohio State University

tcapener@watserv1.waterloo.edu (CAPENER TD - ENGLISH ) (05/28/91)

In article <1991May22.131159.29523@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>, dasay@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Devin N Asay) writes:
> Anybody out there know of any utilities that convert Amiga IFF sampled
> audio files to any Mac audio file format?
> Devin N. Asay
> Computer-Based Instruction
> *The* Ohio State University

SoundEdit from Farralon Computing (a Mac program) can read and write
IFF format files (sort of).  I recently converted a lot of PD Mac sounds
into Amiga format.  Unfortunately, it wasn't all that straightforward.

What I did was to load the Mac sound resources into SoundEdit, then save
them as IFF files.  Unfortunately, most 8SVX players don't like SoundEdit's
idea of IFF (but the PD player 'play' does).  So, I used a byte-by-byte
file editor (zap) to remove all of the IFF header information and turned
the file into raw 8SVX sound, which I then loaded into Perfect Sound and
saved in a more palatteable IFF format which all of my 8SVX players can

I realise you want to do the opposite of what I did, so if SoundEdit can't
read Amiga's IFF sound files then you'll have to do what I did in reverse.
Look in the Addisson Wesely Amiga Autodocs book for info on how to make
an 8SVX header if you need to.

Sorry this is so vague, but I hope it helps a bit.

mykes@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Schwartz) (05/28/91)

In article <1991May27.175826.8556@watserv1.waterloo.edu> tcapener@watserv1.waterloo.edu (CAPENER TD - ENGLISH ) writes:
>In article <1991May22.131159.29523@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>, dasay@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Devin N Asay) writes:
>> Anybody out there know of any utilities that convert Amiga IFF sampled
>> audio files to any Mac audio file format?
>> Devin N. Asay
>> Computer-Based Instruction
>> *The* Ohio State University
>SoundEdit from Farralon Computing (a Mac program) can read and write
>IFF format files (sort of).  I recently converted a lot of PD Mac sounds
>into Amiga format.  Unfortunately, it wasn't all that straightforward.
>What I did was to load the Mac sound resources into SoundEdit, then save
>them as IFF files.  Unfortunately, most 8SVX players don't like SoundEdit's
>idea of IFF (but the PD player 'play' does).  So, I used a byte-by-byte
>file editor (zap) to remove all of the IFF header information and turned
>the file into raw 8SVX sound, which I then loaded into Perfect Sound and
>saved in a more palatteable IFF format which all of my 8SVX players can
>I realise you want to do the opposite of what I did, so if SoundEdit can't
>read Amiga's IFF sound files then you'll have to do what I did in reverse.
>Look in the Addisson Wesely Amiga Autodocs book for info on how to make
>an 8SVX header if you need to.
>Sorry this is so vague, but I hope it helps a bit.

The following 'C' program should do the trick.  It compiles under SAS 5.10.
It reads in an IFF file and converts into a Mac sound format compatible with
various Mac utilities (just xmodem to a mac).  It also will convert a Mac sound
to Amiga format, but doesn't write out IFF.

#include <exec/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

ULONG	sampleSize = 0;
BYTE	*samplePtr, *sampleData, *malloc();

char	*fn;
	int 	fd;
	ULONG	*pl;

	if (sampleSize) free(sampleData);
	sampleSize = 0;

	fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY);	
	if (fd == -1) return 0;
	sampleSize = (ULONG)lseek(fd, 0, 2); lseek(fd, 0,0);
	samplePtr = (BYTE *)malloc(sampleSize);
	if (!samplePtr) {
		printf("Insufficient memory for %d bytes\n", sampleSize);
		return 0;
	read(fd, samplePtr, sampleSize);
	sampleData = samplePtr;
	if (!strncmp(sampleData, "FORM", 4)) {
		samplePtr = &samplePtr[0x60];
		while (strncmp(samplePtr, "BODY", 4)) samplePtr += 2;
		samplePtr += 4;
		pl = (ULONG *)&samplePtr[0];
		sampleSize = *pl;
		samplePtr += 4;
	printf("SampleSize = %d bytes\n", sampleSize);
	return !0;

main(ac, av) 
int   ac;
char  *av[];
	long	i;
	int	fd;

	if (ac != 3) {
		printf("Usage: maccvt infile outfile\n");
	if (!ReadSound(av[1])) {
		printf("Can't read %s\n", av[1]);
	for (i=0; i<sampleSize; i++) samplePtr[i] ^= 0x80;
	fd = open(av[2], O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC);
	if (fd == -1) {
		printf("Can't open %s\n", av[2]);
	write(fd, samplePtr, sampleSize);

* I want games that look like Shadow of the Beast  *
* but play like Leisure Suit Larry.                *

crafton@psych.toronto.edu (Brad Crafton) (05/30/91)

In article <mykes.2956@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG> mykes@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Schwartz) writes:
>The following 'C' program should do the trick.  It compiles under SAS 5.10.
>It reads in an IFF file and converts into a Mac sound format compatible with
>various Mac utilities (just xmodem to a mac).  It also will convert a Mac sound
>to Amiga format, but doesn't write out IFF.

Since I don't have a C compiler, could someone please e-mail me a uuencoded
version of the binary?  Or perhaps post it to alt.binaries.amiga?

Many thanks!


mykes@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Schwartz) (05/31/91)

In article <1991May29.175234.11595@psych.toronto.edu> crafton@psych.toronto.edu (Brad Crafton) writes:
>In article <mykes.2956@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG> mykes@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Schwartz) writes:
>>The following 'C' program should do the trick.  It compiles under SAS 5.10.
>>It reads in an IFF file and converts into a Mac sound format compatible with
>>various Mac utilities (just xmodem to a mac).  It also will convert a Mac sound
>>to Amiga format, but doesn't write out IFF.
>Since I don't have a C compiler, could someone please e-mail me a uuencoded
>version of the binary?  Or perhaps post it to alt.binaries.amiga?
>Many thanks!
>       @psych.utoronto.ca

Check alt.sources.amiga.  I posted a UUENCODED program I have used for the last
5 years that manipulates amiga and mac sound effects.

* I want games that look like Shadow of the Beast  *
* but play like Leisure Suit Larry.                *

dave@unislc.uucp (Dave Martin) (06/01/91)

From article <1991May22.131159.29523@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>, by dasay@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Devin N Asay):
> Anybody out there know of any utilities that convert Amiga IFF sampled
> audio files to any Mac audio file format?
> Devin N. Asay
I believe Synthia-Pro from The Other Guys will do this.
VAX Headroom	Speaking for myself only... blah blah blahblah blah...
Internet: DMARTIN@CC.WEBER.EDU                 dave@saltlcy-unisys.army.mil
uucp:     dave@unislc.uucp or use the Path: line.
Now was that civilized?  No, clearly not.  Fun, but in no sense civilized.