[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Becoming an Amiga Dealer

bob@jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU (robert s. richardson) (06/01/91)

Hello there.  I local computer store here in Corvallis is interested
in carrying Amigas, as the owner has received numerous requests to
do so.  He (the owner) says he has not become a dealer because he does
not do sufficient volume to keep multiple machines in stock.  I heared
that Commodore allows some sort of super-dealer that can sell limited
numbers of machines to smaller dealers.  How does this work?  Who
should the owner contact to become a dealer.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

PS: There is already a dealer in Corvallis.  They are located 
inconveniently away from campus, and the service has been marginal
to lousy.  (Mostly due to unenthusiastic staff.)  Is this
a problem in setting up a new dealership?

| Bob Richardson     (or, for you UNIX buffs: bob@jacobs.cs.orst.edu) |
| 218 NW 21st #2           Corvallis, OR  97330          503-758-5018 |
| __            						      |
| \/   WI- GR+ F++ ST* GL- SC++ MU& WH WE& SF+ YA++ SN- NU-- SW- SR+  |