[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Contributions

ryan@amix.commodore.com (Ryan Sheftel) (06/02/91)

Public D is looking for contributions!! 
With a vested interest in supporting the authors of freely- 
distributable Amiga software, we are on the lookout for adding 
new software to our collection. 
To prove our sincerity, our policy is to pay commission for those who 
contribute a full disk or more of original work to us. Each time 
a disk of yours in our collection sells, we pay you a commission 
of $0.50 (U.S.), which can add up quickly, especially if you have 
multiple disks in our collection. 
We are looking for all sorts of work, including: animations, pictures, 
sound samples, songs, utilities, source code, programs, games, or 
whatever else you may have made. The main requirements are that the 
work is your own and that it is either PD, shareware, or otherwise 
freely distributable. 
For questions, more information, or to send your work, write to: 
                     Public D - Contributions 
                       Integral Computers 
                        414 Barclay Road 
                   Rosemont, PA  19010-1218  U.S.A. 

Ryan Sheftel

UUCP: uunet!cbmvax!amix!undrground!ryan
Internet: undrground!ryan@amix.commodore.com