[comp.sys.amiga.misc] How to reboot from RAD:

cs180sbg@sdcc5.ucsd.edu (05/30/91)

Hello, I have a problem with rebooting from RAD:.  I have an Amiga
500 with 4 meg of RAM and 1.3 ROMs.  I follow the direction of the
Amiga DOs 1.3 "enhancer" software manual and set up RAD, using the
startup-sequence as indicated in the manual.  But when I reboot the
computer always requires a Workbench disk instead of directly
booting from RAD:.  How can I get this to work? Any info is

e5pj@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (05/30/91)

In article <19883@sdcc6.ucsd.edu>,
cs180sbg@sdcc5.ucsd.edu writes: 
> Hello, I have a problem with rebooting from RAD:.  I have an Amiga
> 500 with 4 meg of RAM and 1.3 ROMs.  I follow the direction of the
> Amiga DOs 1.3 "enhancer" software manual and set up RAD, using the
> startup-sequence as indicated in the manual.  But when I reboot the
> computer always requires a Workbench disk instead of directly
> booting from RAD:.  How can I get this to work? Any info is
> appreciated.

	I believe a "Setpatch r" line in your startup sequence before you mount
your RAD: device and then rebooting should help.


s902113@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au (Luke Mewburn) (05/30/91)

cs180sbg@sdcc5.ucsd.edu writes:

>Hello, I have a problem with rebooting from RAD:.  I have an Amiga
>500 with 4 meg of RAM and 1.3 ROMs.  I follow the direction of the
>Amiga DOs 1.3 "enhancer" software manual and set up RAD, using the
>startup-sequence as indicated in the manual.  But when I reboot the
>computer always requires a Workbench disk instead of directly
>booting from RAD:.  How can I get this to work? Any info is

Make sure you set the bootpri to high enough. (I think 0 is ok.)
  (ie. bootpri = 0  )
Anyway, if this is too difficult, email me your mountlist and relevant
startup-sequence entries, and I'll have a look.
|                                     |                                    |
| Luke Mewburn   (Zak)                |      This side for lease...        |
| s902113@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au        | (No disclaimer, can't afford it:-) |

fjrei@kbsaar.UUCP (Franz-Josef Reichert) (05/31/91)

In article <19883@sdcc6.ucsd.edu> cs180sbg@sdcc5.ucsd.edu writes:
>Hello, I have a problem with rebooting from RAD:.  I have an Amiga
>500 with 4 meg of RAM and 1.3 ROMs.  I follow the direction of the
>Amiga DOs 1.3 "enhancer" software manual and set up RAD, using the
>startup-sequence as indicated in the manual.  But when I reboot the
>computer always requires a Workbench disk instead of directly
>booting from RAD:.  How can I get this to work? Any info is

What kind of expansion ram do you use? Does it autoconfig?
Please provide more information, especially your mountlist entry.
Do you install 'setpatch r' in your startup-sequence?

Best regards,
Franz-Josef Reichert      VOICE: +49 6805 7417
Kuchlingerstrasse 13      UUCP:  ...uunet!cbmvax!cbmehq!cbmger!kbsaar!fjrei
D-6601 Kleinblittersdorf  GERMANY

darrell@comspec.uucp (Darrell Grainger) (06/01/91)

In article <19883@sdcc6.ucsd.edu> cs180sbg@sdcc5.ucsd.edu writes:
>Hello, I have a problem with rebooting from RAD:.  I have an Amiga
>500 with 4 meg of RAM and 1.3 ROMs.  I follow the direction of the
>Amiga DOs 1.3 "enhancer" software manual and set up RAD, using the
>startup-sequence as indicated in the manual.  But when I reboot the
>computer always requires a Workbench disk instead of directly
>booting from RAD:.  How can I get this to work? Any info is

 I cannot find my Enhancer manual anywhere so I cannot give you specifics but
look into the file DEVS:MountList and see what the BootPri for RAD: equals. If
this is set to 0 or -128 (I cannot remember which) it will not be bootable.
This might be why your RAD: will not re-boot the machine. It is similar to an
INSTALL on a floppy disk. You don't INSTALL a disk and it will not autoboot.

Darrell Grainger % Comspec Communications Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada
darrell@comspec  % Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own. 
(416) 617-1475   % (416) 633-5605	(416)785-3553

arctngnt@amiganet.chi.il.us (Bowie J Poag) (06/02/91)

Concering boot priority (bootpri in mountlist) .... -127 would be the best
priority to boot under. I used to boot from rad:, and thats thevalue I used,
and it worked without a hitch.

Naperville, IL, US..No fancy signature