[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A3000 hard drive capacity

lesle@NCoast.ORG (David A. Lesle) (05/20/91)

What is the larges (preferably reasonable fast as well) hard drive
that can fit in the drive bays of an A3000?  So far the highest
capacity drive I've found that I know will fit is the Quantum 210M
unit.  Any others larger?
David Lesle                uucp: ncoast!lesle

elg@elgamy.RAIDERNET.COM (Eric Lee Green) (05/22/91)

From article <1991May20.102326.27503@NCoast.ORG>, by lesle@NCoast.ORG (David A. Lesle):
> What is the larges (preferably reasonable fast as well) hard drive
> that can fit in the drive bays of an A3000?  So far the highest

Maxtor has a 320mb 3 1/2" drive, around $1400 from D.C. Drives (see latest
Computer Shopper). I hear that there are larger 3 1/2" drives available,
but haven't seen one advertised, probably because they're too new.

Of course, if you REALLY want size+speed, get a Fujitsu 1.2gig in an
external case... has a 5 year warranty, too! (And a price to match.)

Eric Lee Green   (318) 984-1820  P.O. Box 92191  Lafayette, LA 70509
elg@elgamy.RAIDERNET.COM               uunet!mjbtn!raider!elgamy!elg

peic@core.north.de (Peter Eichler) (05/22/91)

In article <1991May20.102326.27503@NCoast.ORG>, David A. Lesle writes:

>What is the larges (preferably reasonable fast as well) hard drive
>that can fit in the drive bays of an A3000?  So far the highest
>capacity drive I've found that I know will fit is the Quantum 210M
>unit.  Any others larger?

Well, you can use internally every SCSI 3.5" hard disk . Dunno wether
Quantum has bigger ones but try to get a look on other company's
price list. I think, this will help.


FelineGrace@cup.portal.com (Dana B Bourgeois) (05/25/91)

At a rough guess I would say that about 350Meg is the limit for a 3.5"
drive (right now anyway).  Definitely less than 500 Meg.  Micropolis
is shipping the largest 5.25" drive right now, about 2.0 Gig.  I don't
know what the capacities are in *"and larger drives.  I don't think 
any of them are SCSI.  

I've got another question (to keep you gurus on your toes :->).  SCSI
has a block address limit of about 1.2 Gig for 512 Byte blocks.  If I
buy a 2.0 Gig drive and partition the drive into at least two logical
drives, do I avoid this problem?  This is a serious question.  I ordered
a SPARC 2 with a pair of 2.0 Gig drives for work and I'm not sure what
will happen when we format them.  So enlighten me O gurus.

Dana Bourgeois @ cup.portal.com

jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com (Randell Jesup) (05/26/91)

In article <418@netxcom.netx.com> logan@netxcom.netx.com (Jim Logan) writes:
>I have a MaxStor 340MB.  The only problem is that the A3000's ROMs
>get impatient waiting for the drive to wind up and I have to do a warm
>reboot when it gives me the 2.x floppy/HD and 1.3 floppy/HD menu.
>It's a 12ms drive.  That's faster than the Amiga-supplied 100MB and
>200MB drives that come in the 3000UXB and 3000UXD.

	Two things that may help: one, turn on "Seagate" mode with the PD
utility BattMem.  This causes the driver to wait much longer for drives to
become active at boot time.  If that's not enough, you can try turning on
LUN's (though if you do this you may wish to turn off seagate mode, or move
both of the drives down to fairly low addresses, say 0 and 1.  This is 
because LUNs means it checks 8 times as many addresses, and Seagate mode
causes it to wait longer on each one.  Once set up right with HDToolbox,
it will stop searching after it finds the last (highest numbered) drive.)

Randell Jesup, Jack-of-quite-a-few-trades, Commodore Engineering.
{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!jesup, jesup@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com  BIX: rjesup  
Disclaimer: Nothing I say is anything other than my personal opinion.
"No matter where you go, there you are."  - Buckaroo Banzai

johnhlee@CS.Cornell.EDU (John H. Lee) (05/29/91)

In article <42674@cup.portal.com> FelineGrace@cup.portal.com (Dana B Bourgeois) writes:
>I've got another question (to keep you gurus on your toes :->).  SCSI
>has a block address limit of about 1.2 Gig for 512 Byte blocks.  If I
>buy a 2.0 Gig drive and partition the drive into at least two logical
>drives, do I avoid this problem?  This is a serious question.  I ordered
>a SPARC 2 with a pair of 2.0 Gig drives for work and I'm not sure what
>will happen when we format them.  So enlighten me O gurus.

The problem is that some disk drivers use the non-extended SCSI commands
for block address over 1.2Gb (21 bits address for a 512 byte block) and
inadvertantly "wrap-around" and access the lower blocks.  This is not
an inherit bug in the SCSI drives or protocol, but a bug in the disk
drivers.  (NOTE:  "extended" SCSI commands do not mean "non-standard",
just that they have more bits for block addresses and other things.)

The drive does nothing with regard to partitioning; only the system
software cares about this.  Partitioning the drive will ensure you don't
access blocks over 1.2Gb, but the faulty drivers still can't access
partitions containing blocks at locations over 1.2Gb.  In other words,
you can still only use 1.2Gb of the 2.0Gb drive.

You should ask your disk-driver software vendor.  As far as I know, this
problem cropped up on DEC VMS and Ultrix disk-drivers, and should be fixed
by now.  I don't know if SPARCstation SunOS disk-drivers have the same
problem.  I believe that the AmigaDOS 2.0 scsi.device also had this problem
but that it is now also fixed.  Fujitsu was recommending you treat 2.0Gb
drives as 1.2Gb drives until you receive corrected drivers.

The DiskDoctor threatens the crew!  Next time on AmigaDos: The Next Generation.
	John Lee		Internet: johnhlee@cs.cornell.edu
The above opinions are those of the user, and not of this machine.

jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com (Randell Jesup) (05/29/91)

In article <42674@cup.portal.com> FelineGrace@cup.portal.com (Dana B Bourgeois) writes:
>At a rough guess I would say that about 350Meg is the limit for a 3.5"
>drive (right now anyway).  Definitely less than 500 Meg.

	It's about 500 Meg now (quantum, seagate, others), and Micropolis
just announced a 1gig 3.5" drive for 3rd quarter.  They expect it to get down
to about $1/MB by the 2nd quarter of next year or so.  I think Fujitsu is
about even with them.

>I've got another question (to keep you gurus on your toes :->).  SCSI
>has a block address limit of about 1.2 Gig for 512 Byte blocks.

	No, common scsi drivers don't think to switch to 10-byte reads
when they pass the amount addressable with 6-byte reads.  Since Gig+ drives
have arrived, suddenly everyone is reving their drivers, including Dec.

>  If I
>buy a 2.0 Gig drive and partition the drive into at least two logical
>drives, do I avoid this problem?

	No.  It's not the offset to the partition, it's the offset to the

>I ordered
>a SPARC 2 with a pair of 2.0 Gig drives for work and I'm not sure what
>will happen when we format them.  So enlighten me O gurus.

	Good luck.  A solution: format them as 1024 byte logical blocks.
I'm not certain that the Sun drivers/format will allow this.

Randell Jesup, Jack-of-quite-a-few-trades, Commodore Engineering.
{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!jesup, jesup@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com  BIX: rjesup  
Disclaimer: Nothing I say is anything other than my personal opinion.
"No matter where you go, there you are."  - Buckaroo Banzai

mscritsm@isis.cs.du.edu (Milton Scritsmier) (05/29/91)

In article <42674@cup.portal.com> FelineGrace@cup.portal.com (Dana B Bourgeois) writes:
>At a rough guess I would say that about 350Meg is the limit for a 3.5"
>drive (right now anyway).  Definitely less than 500 Meg.  Micropolis
>is shipping the largest 5.25" drive right now, about 2.0 Gig.  I don't
>know what the capacities are in *"and larger drives.  I don't think 
>any of them are SCSI.  
Actually, you can expect several 1 gig 3.5 inch drives to be announced by
the end of this year.  In fact, last week Micropolis announced a 1.2 gig
3.5 inch drive which supposedly will be sampling in the next quarter.
Others are supposed to be from Conners and Maxtor.  In addition, they also
transfer data much faster from the media, spinning at 4500 rpm or more.

ptavoly@cs.ruu.nl (Peter Tavoly) (05/29/91)

In <42674@cup.portal.com> FelineGrace@cup.portal.com (Dana B Bourgeois) writes:

>At a rough guess I would say that about 350Meg is the limit for a 3.5"
>drive (right now anyway).  Definitely less than 500 Meg.  Micropolis
>is shipping the largest 5.25" drive right now, about 2.0 Gig.  I don't
>know what the capacities are in *"and larger drives.  I don't think 
>any of them are SCSI.  

Quantum has a 425 MB drive (I *think* that is 3,5", don't know about the
height though) on offer.

>Dana Bourgeois @ cup.portal.com


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          ____
Thomas Tavoly, Commercial Computer Science - HEAO Utrecht, NL.           / / /
"Whoever talks too much, has no time to think." - Peter Tavoly.       AMIGA /
Favourite quote: "The Mac OS is amazingly complex,               ____  / / /
 .sig v3.0e       given how little it does." - Peter da Silva    \ \ \/ / /
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>> ptavoly@praxis.cs.ruu.nl <<~~~~~~~~~  \_\_\/_/

darrell@comspec.uucp (Darrell Grainger) (05/29/91)

In article <1991May29.042901.27634@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu> mscritsm@isis.UUCP (Milton Scritsmier) writes:
>Actually, you can expect several 1 gig 3.5 inch drives to be announced by
>the end of this year.  In fact, last week Micropolis announced a 1.2 gig
>3.5 inch drive which supposedly will be sampling in the next quarter.
>Others are supposed to be from Conners and Maxtor.  In addition, they also
>transfer data much faster from the media, spinning at 4500 rpm or more.

How tall is this 1 gig 3.5" drive? I think the Amiga 3000 only has a 1"
clearance for the hard drive. It might be a little more but not much.

| Darrell Grainger (darrell@comspec) |Comspec Communications Inc.    |
| Toronto, Ontario, Canada           |Disclaimer: My opinions do not |
|  (416)617-1475     (416)633-5605   |reflect those of my employer.  |
|      Motorcycle: Honda PC800       |      Computer:Amiga 2000      |

dale@boing.UUCP (Dale Luck) (05/30/91)

In article <42674@cup.portal.com> FelineGrace@cup.portal.com (Dana B Bourgeois) writes:
>I've got another question (to keep you gurus on your toes :->).  SCSI
>has a block address limit of about 1.2 Gig for 512 Byte blocks.
>a SPARC 2 with a pair of 2.0 Gig drives for work and I'm not sure what
>will happen when we format them.

Some drive support different block sizes, if your disk drive software can
handle 1k block sizes then you could format the drive for 1k byte blocks
and effectively get an extra address bit. When I was more of a unix hacker
years ago, that was one of the things we did to speed up unix I/O.

Dale Luck     GfxBase/Boing, Inc.

mscritsm@isis.cs.du.edu (Milton Scritsmier) (05/31/91)

In article <1991May29.133329.1240@comspec.uucp> darrell@comspec.uucp (Darrell Grainger) writes:
>In article <1991May29.042901.27634@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu> mscritsm@isis.UUCP (Milton Scritsmier) writes:
>>Actually, you can expect several 1 gig 3.5 inch drives to be announced by
>>the end of this year.  In fact, last week Micropolis announced a 1.2 gig
>>3.5 inch drive which supposedly will be sampling in the next quarter.
>>Others are supposed to be from Conners and Maxtor.  In addition, they also
>>transfer data much faster from the media, spinning at 4500 rpm or more.
>How tall is this 1 gig 3.5" drive? I think the Amiga 3000 only has a 1"
>clearance for the hard drive. It might be a little more but not much.

I haven't seen any pics or read any descriptions of the dimensions.  Just
guessing, I would assume that they achieve that capacity in part by having
a lot of platters (say 6 to 8 or so) which means that the drive certainly
would not be a half height.  Almost certainly it will be more than an inch.

tope@enea.se (Tommy Petersson) (05/31/91)

In article <42674@cup.portal.com> FelineGrace@cup.portal.com (Dana B Bourgeois) writes:
-At a rough guess I would say that about 350Meg is the limit for a 3.5"
-drive (right now anyway).  Definitely less than 500 Meg.  Micropolis
-Dana Bourgeois @ cup.portal.com

Fujitsu say that they will be shipping a 520MB (unformatted, I beleive)
3.5" drive in September. I don't know how reliable they are at giving
release dates...

Tommy Petersson

billsey@agora.UUCP (Bill Seymour) (06/02/91)

In article <42674@cup.portal.com>, Dana B Bourgeois writes:

> At a rough guess I would say that about 350Meg is the limit for a 3.5"
> drive (right now anyway).  Definitely less than 500 Meg.  Micropolis
> is shipping the largest 5.25" drive right now, about 2.0 Gig.  I don't
> know what the capacities are in *"and larger drives.  I don't think 
> any of them are SCSI.  

	there are half a dozen or so manufacturers that are shipping at
least evaluation quantities of >500M 3.5 inch drives.  Most of them are
very fast, and most are inexpensive when looked at as a $/MByte cost...

> Dana Bourgeois @ cup.portal.com

  -Bill Seymour     nesbbx!billsey@agora.uucp or nesbbx!billsey@agora.rain.com
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