[comp.sys.amiga.misc] PD & Shareware Catalog

ryan@amix.commodore.com (Ryan Sheftel) (06/02/91)

June 1, 1991 - Integral Computers releases its long-awaited 
"Public D" Amiga PD/shareware disk-catalog. 
Our collection contains over 250 disks, and more are being added  
on a daily basis. We already have over 55 disks of animations, 
over 40 disks of music modules, plus many graphics demos, music 
disks, utility disks, games disks, product demo disks, playable 
commercial games demos, programming tools, and much more. 
We plan to double the size of our collection by August. 
For an absolutely FREE disk-catalog, write to us at:
 (Outside U.S.A. please ad $1 for shipping)
                Public D 
            Integral Computers 
             414 Barclay Road 
         Rosemont, PA  19010-1218 

Ryan Sheftel

UUCP: uunet!cbmvax!amix!undrground!ryan
Internet: undrground!ryan@amix.commodore.com

rhialto@cs.kun.nl (Olaf'Rhialto'Seibert) (06/03/91)

In article <a1iV34w164w@undrground.UUCP> undrground!ryan@amix.commodore.com (Ryan Sheftel) writes:
>For an absolutely FREE disk-catalog, write to us at:
> (Outside U.S.A. please ad $1 for shipping)

Yeah, right. How am I going to add $1 if I am from outside the USA?
(half a :-)

Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert                               rhialto@cs.kun.nl
How can you be so stupid if you're identical to me? -Robert Silverberg