[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Q: Where can I find Uncompress

OEYO8729@TREARN.BITNET (Cem TURGAY) (05/23/91)


Would you tell me where can I find Uncompress program
for uncompressing .Z files ?


v125lqbx@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Brian T McColpin) (05/24/91)

In article <91142.135212OEYO8729@TREARN.BITNET>, OEYO8729@TREARN.BITNET (Cem TURGAY) writes...
>Would you tell me where can I find Uncompress program
>for uncompressing .Z files ?

It's on one of the early Fish disks, i.e. < 50.

Make sure you get the updated version, rather then the very first one, which
I believe can't handle 16 bit compression, the Unix standard.

cs_b152@ux.kingston.ac.uk (Vlod Kalicum) (05/24/91)



>Would you tell me where can I find Uncompress program
>for uncompressing .Z files ?


A good place to find stuff is the fred fish collection

compress is on fish disk 51. I guess uncompress is there also..??

Anyone want to clarify this..??



dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) (05/25/91)

In article <1991May24.145602.8118@kingston.ac.uk> cs_b152@ux.kingston.ac.uk (Vlod Kalicum) writes:
| OEYO8729@TREARN.BITNET (Cem TURGAY) wwrites:
||Would you tell me where can I find Uncompress program
||for uncompressing .Z files ?
|A good place to find stuff is the fred fish collection
|compress is on fish disk 51. I guess uncompress is there also..??
|Anyone want to clarify this..??

compress and uncompress are the same program (ie, the same binaries).
The code just checks the name it was invoked under to determine the
default action.  Isn't this in the docs?
Dave Schaumann      | There is no cause so right that one cannot find a fool
dave@cs.arizona.edu | following it.	- Niven's Law # 16

mb@mcshh.hanse.de (Michael Beer) (05/25/91)

cs_b152@ux.kingston.ac.uk (Vlod Kalicum) writes:

> OEYO8729@TREARN.BITNET (Cem TURGAY) wwrites:


>>Would you tell me where can I find Uncompress program
>>for uncompressing .Z files ?


>A good place to find stuff is the fred fish collection

>compress is on fish disk 51. I guess uncompress is there also..??

>Anyone want to clarify this..??

You get 'Uncompress' by renaming Compress to it.


cs_b152@ux.kingston.ac.uk (Vlod Kalicun) (06/03/91)

>compress and uncompress are the same program (ie, the same binaries).
>he code just checks the name it was invoked under to determine the
>default action.  Isn't this in the docs?
>Dave Schaumann      | There is no cause so right that one cannot find a fool
>dave@cs.arizona.edu | following it.	- Niven's Law # 16

I dont use it so i wouldnt know.. I personly use our suns to
uncompress files with the uncompress command.

I merely looked through a fish disk catalog for compress/uncompress
and passed the information to the "OEYO8729@TREARN.BITNET (Cem TURGAY)".

I wanst being lazy and not simply not looking in the documentation.!

