[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Beta testers for reqtools lib wanted

GUTEST8@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be (Ives Aerts) (05/30/91)

Nico asked me to post this one. Mail any replies to me, I'll forward
them to him.

      Ives Aerts           |          IBM definition SY-34378
GUTEST8@BLEKUL11.BITNET    |   A signature consists of sequences of
gutest8@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be | non-blank characters separated by blanks.

*                                                               *
*     reqtools.library                                          *
*                                                               *
*     The requester toolkit library.                            *
*                                                               *
*     BETA TESTERS WANTED                                       *
*                                                               *

   I am developing a requester library to make it very easy for
everybody to incorporate powerful and easy to use requesters
without much hassle.

   The library currently contains a file requester, font
requester, palette requester, string requester, integer
requester and a notify requester.

   Doesn't this sound familiar I hear you say.  Well, you are
partly right, this is generally what req.library offers.

   reqtools.library is different however.  It features:

   - a full 2.0 new look (also on 1.2/1.3)

   - a different library for 2.0 and 1.2/1.3 (functionally they
     are the same).

   - tries to be very powerful AND easy to use (uses tags for
     most functions to allow a high degree of flexibility and
     future expandability).

   - etc...

   If you want to be one of the lucky(?) beta testers of this
library send an e-mail to GUTEST8 at cc1.kuleuven.ac.be

   What I would like to ask of you is to test the library
naturally and give as much feedback and ideas as possible.
Oh yes, you may also report bugs :-)

   Please include in your mail the following information:

   - your machine (configuration)

   - what program(s) you intend to test this library in.

   - your pledge that you will not redistribute the library

   - and describe in no more than 10 words why you think
     beta-testing this library is so much fun :-)

   A selection will be made from all the mails, people who are
chosen will receive a LhArc file containing the library package.

   I thank you.

                                                Nico Francois

!                                                               !
!   Nico Francois                                               !
!   The man with two christian names.                           !
!                                                               !

sysop@insider.zer.sub.org (06/02/91)

> Nico asked me to post this one. Mail any replies to me, I'll forward
> them to him.

OK... here's one...

>    - your machine (configuration)

- A3000/25 5MB w/quite recent Kickstarts (C= Developer), 2x 160Meg,
	   2024 Monitor
- A1000 w/1.3KS

>    - what program(s) you intend to test this library in.

I'm almost always writing programs, and usually use req.lib (or ASL if they 
are intended for 2.0 ...).

>    - your pledge that you will not redistribute the library
>      package.

Understandable... ;-)

>    - and describe in no more than 10 words why you think
>      beta-testing this library is so much fun :-)

Hm (1), I (2) just (3) love (4) crashes (5) ;-)

> chosen will receive a LhArc file containing the library package.

If you send it, please send it to my Bitnet-Account or rout it explicitely 
through buchonia.rhoen.sub.org (bitnet preferred)

By the way, will reqtools.library be PD/Shareware, when do you expect it to 
be released, will distribution on 1) pd/shareware 2) commercial disks be 
allowed ?

>    I thank you.

You're welcome...

   SysOp @ INSIDER    --    Bugs ? Data Becker & GFA only produce FEATURES!
Bernhard Kroenung, Bahnhofstr. 8, D-W6408 Ebersburg/Rhoen, Germany +49 6656 386
horke@buchonia.rhoen.in-berlin.de    X.400 : kronung@jlug-gw.uni-giessen.dbp.de

stevex@artech.UUCP (Steve Tibbett) (06/03/91)

In article <91149.190552GUTEST8@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be> GUTEST8@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be (Ives Aerts) writes:
>Nico asked me to post this one. Mail any replies to me, I'll forward
>them to him.
>   I am developing a requester library to make it very easy for
>everybody to incorporate powerful and easy to use requesters
>without much hassle.
>   The library currently contains a file requester, font
>requester, palette requester, string requester, integer
>requester and a notify requester.

I'm curious as to why he's bothering doing this for 2.0.  Commodore has 
put some effort into making the asl.library for 2.0 which has a full 2.0
look, tries to be powerful.. easy to use.. has a font and file requester
that are pretty good - and 2.0 makes a palette requester into a single
gadtools gadget in a window.  The string requester is about the only
thing 2.0 doesn't provide.

I would like to request that reqtools.library not be called directly, that
people call the asl.library instead (for 2.0-specific apps obviously), 
and Nico can write an asl wedge to get his requester called, just like
the kr_freq.library.  This way people really do have a choice, rather than
having what you consider "better" forced on them.

    ...Steve's Signature (when Steve's at work)...