[comp.sys.amiga.misc] NewAge Computer, College Park MD, Defunct?

tmb@davinci.acc.Virginia.EDU (Thomas M. Breeden) (06/01/91)

Does anyone know if this store has gone under? I get a "telephone
disconnected" when calling their number, 301-220-1296.

Tom Breeden

            - Tom Breeden
              tmb@virginia.EDU      -> Internet
              tmb@virginia          -> BITNET

tzeng@sunland.gsfc.nasa.gov (Nigel Tzeng) (06/03/91)

In article <1991May31.200814.4371@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> tmb@davinci.acc.Virginia.EDU (Thomas M. Breeden) writes:

   Path: dftsrv!ames!lll-winken!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!wuarchive!ukma!ra!uvaarpa!murdoch!usenet
   From: tmb@davinci.acc.Virginia.EDU (Thomas M. Breeden)
   Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.misc
   Date: 31 May 91 20:08:14 GMT
   Sender: usenet@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU
   Distribution: usa
   Organization: University of Virginia
   Lines: 10
   Ireallyam: tmb

   Does anyone know if this store has gone under? I get a "telephone
   disconnected" when calling their number, 301-220-1296.

   Tom Breeden

	       - Tom Breeden
		 tmb@virginia.EDU      -> Internet
		 tmb@virginia          -> BITNET

--- End included text

Hmmm...C&P no longer carries a listing for them and they haven't been
returning business calls for at least a month.  If they aren't out of
business yet they probably soon will be with the type of service
they've been providing.

I was going to run by REI today anyway and see if the store is still
standing ;-).

Too bad.  They used to be a decent store.  That leaves an even smaller
dealer base around here.


skipper@motaus.sps.mot.com (Skipper Smith) (06/04/91)

In article <TZENG.91Jun3092549@sunland.gsfc.nasa.gov> tzeng@sunland.gsfc.nasa.gov (Nigel Tzeng) writes:
>In article <1991May31.200814.4371@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> tmb@davinci.acc.Virginia.EDU (Thomas M. Breeden) writes:
>   Does anyone know if this store has gone under? I get a "telephone
>   disconnected" when calling their number, 301-220-1296.
>   Tom Breeden
>   tmb@virginia.EDU
>	       - Tom Breeden
>		 tmb@virginia.EDU      -> Internet
>		 tmb@virginia          -> BITNET
>Hmmm...C&P no longer carries a listing for them and they haven't been
>returning business calls for at least a month.  If they aren't out of
>business yet they probably soon will be with the type of service
>they've been providing.
>I was going to run by REI today anyway and see if the store is still
>standing ;-).
>Too bad.  They used to be a decent store.  That leaves an even smaller
>dealer base around here.

New Age Computers has decided that the real money is in being a video house.
They have changed their name to something like "Electric Image" and are no
longer selling computers in a retail fashion (more like a VAR).  You can still
contact the owners through their BBS at (301) 220-0101 if you like for more

Skipper Smith                             | skipper@motaus.sps.mot.com
Motorola Technical Training               | 8945 Guilford Rd  Ste 145  
All opinions are my own, not my employers | Columbia, MD 21046