mikel@cbmvax.commodore.com (Mike Levin - Ed Marketing) (05/31/91)

I would like to propose a new newsgroup. This is why I see the need:
Routes of reliable communication must be opened up between user groups.
This should also serve a facility where all the groups can submit,
stock-pile, and disseminate newsletter articles.
These groups currently are in isolation utilizing only their own internal
resources (occasionally stumbling onto things on the BBS's). Getting good
articles can be a problem. 
Anyone with an account and access to the newsgroup could login and utilize
the articles. A national paper-based user group newsletter could also be
generated from this if someone were to take the initiative and found a way
to make it profitable. 
The newsgroup could be called comp.sys.amiga.newsletter or
comp.sys.amiga.usergroups. The original authors will have to include
permission to re-post and re-publish their articles. I don't know much
about starting a newsgroup, who to contact, moderation, etc. Please E-Mail
me with guidance (what's my next step?). Do you think this is worthwhile? I
would be willing to write the charter after looking at some examples and
would certainly be a contributor.
UseNet address:
U.S. Postal Mail:
Philadelphia Amiga Users Group
Post Office Box 21186
Philadelphia, PA 19154-0386
PAUG Electronic BBS: 
(You will be verified after first call)
(215) 632-8312
E-Mail to Mike Levin

murphyd@ecst.csuchico.edu (David L. Murphy) (06/04/91)

I too believe we need a group for articles.  Being the president of
a users group (Northern California Amiga Club) I know that it takes
a lot of time to put a newsletter together, and in most groups the
editor seems to do all the work.

I feel that this would strengthen the communication between groups and
members of those groups.  It would also help the Amiga a lot too

        ///           __  __  __  __   |                           \\\
       ///  /\        __||  ||  ||  |  |  David L. Murphy           \\\
  \\\ ///  /--\miga  |__ |__||__||__|  |  murphyd@csuchico.edu       \\\ ///
   \\\//                               |  murphyd@cscihp.UUCP         \\///

ake@dayton.saic.com (Earle Ake) (06/04/91)

In article <1991Jun04.103502.11678@ecst.csuchico.edu>, murphyd@ecst.csuchico.edu (David L. Murphy) writes:
> I too believe we need a group for articles.  Being the president of
> a users group (Northern California Amiga Club) I know that it takes
> a lot of time to put a newsletter together, and in most groups the
> editor seems to do all the work.
> I feel that this would strengthen the communication between groups and
> members of those groups.  It would also help the Amiga a lot too

	We already have the reviews newsgroup.  We have used articles from there
after contacting the author for permission.  I realize that we could use the
articles without explicit permission but it is nice to let someone know you are
using his/her work.

	What about a mailing list to start?  What kind of things would be talked
about in a newsgroup/mailing-list?

Earle (Treasurer - AFIT Amiga Users Group - Dayton, Ohio)
             ____ ____    ___
Earle Ake   /___ /___/ / /     Science Applications International Corporation
           ____//   / / /__                 Dayton, Ohio
Internet: ake@dayton.saic.com        uucp: dayvb!ake         SPAN: 28284::ake