[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Best Business Software And Ideas Needed

ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill) (06/03/91)

   You might remember my similar message from a few weeks ago. I received
little response and am hoping for a better reply this time. My first question
deals with the best business software out for the Amiga. Currenly I'm planning
on DBMan V as the best database. I need to fill the following other areas:
mailing lists, word processors (best simple and full-featured), form maker,
and any other business related software.

 My second question deals with linking this all together. I want to set up a
similar platform which I saw in a store. The cash registers were computers
with touch screens. All sales information was sent to a main computer in the
back room. This computer was used to do the books later that night. I'd like
to hear thoughts on how one might go about doing this on the Amiga. Two IBM
cash machines could be used for sales, but I'd much rather stick with all
Amigas here. Does anybody even sell cash registers that can be linked to the
Amiga? Anyway, I'd like to hear thoughts on how this may be done. I can do
the programming and set up the proper tools myself. The question is does the
right software exist? I was thinking about AmigaVision to produced touch
screen interfacing at the sales units. I guess something like D-Net might be
a good choice to network them to the main unit. The questions arise when it
comes to controlling a register device and what type of front-end software
must exist at the main unit. Perhaps DBMan V has provisions for this?

 Finally, I'd like to hear from those who run their business on the Amiga.
What software do you use? DBMan V is DBase V compatible, so does this mean
that I need only get the various MSDOS scripts onto the Amiga to use them?
If I was to simply use "normal" cash registers for sales, what would be the
best method to introduce inventory adjustments and such to the Amiga? I'd like
some type of method that made this fast and possible to do every night if not
at the point of sale.


       Why purchase a MAC when an Amiga with the same CPU will run 99% of all
    __ MAC software..and FASTER at that?! The same can be said of the IBM and
 __/// Atari computers, and I can run those in a window. IBM's greatest sales 
 \XX/  tool is ignorance on the consumer's part. Only the Amiga! DEVO Anyone?

rodent@netcom.COM (Ben Discoe) (06/05/91)

ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill) writes:

>I'm planning
>on DBMan V as the best database. I need to fill the following other areas:
>mailing lists, word processors (best simple and full-featured), form maker,

dBMAN should be able to handle your mailing list and for-making needs.

> My second question deals with linking this all together.  [....]
> The cash registers were computers
>with touch screens.

You probably are aware that Touch screens are available for the Amiga.
If I recall, they aren't cheap.

>The question is does the
>right software exist? I was thinking about AmigaVision to produced touch
>screen interfacing at the sales units. 

I'm not sure AmigaVision is the most appropriate tool for this job.
How about CanDo?

> I guess something like D-Net might be
>a good choice to network them to the main unit.

I don't think DNET is what you want.  You may want to look at PARNET
or just use serial cables with a ARexx-capable term program at each end.

> The questions arise when it
>comes to controlling a register device and what type of front-end software
>must exist at the main unit.

This depends entirely on the specific machinery you wish to interface.
You won't find software for the Amiga made for a SPECIFIC register vendor,
but the machine may be flexible or support a standard, like RS232.

> Perhaps DBMan V has provisions for this?

dBMAN is a 100% dBASE 3+ clone, with some extensions for friendly menus and
report generation.  Anything extra (i.e. cash registers, bar code scanners)
depends on the hardware involved.

>DBMan V is DBase V compatible, so does this mean
           (dBASE 3+)
>that I need only get the various MSDOS scripts onto the Amiga to use them?

That's correct.  We're 100% data and code compatible.

>   Tom

>       Why purchase a MAC when an Amiga with the same CPU will run 99% of all
>    __ MAC software..and FASTER at that?!

And completely for free, too!
(software Mac emulation is only one 192K file)

> __/// IBM's greatest sales 
> \XX/  tool is ignorance on the consumer's part.

True IBM advert quote seen elsewhere on the net: "The less you know about
personal computers, the more you'll want to have the New IBM PS/1!"

Ben Discoe, radical ecologist, computer scientist, loony at large.