[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fish Sites???

jcheng%mars@CALSTATELA.EDU (jackson cheng 05-01-91) (06/04/91)

Does anybody know the best FTP site for the latest Fish disks?
Perferbably in the US.  Thanx a lot...

Well, while I am here, dunno if this is the right place to ask, a professor
of mine is using pointer animation for his lab instructional video tape.
But the darn thing won't work under the new 2.0.  I know the pointer
references point int the system must been changed.  Does anybody know of
any new pointer anims that works on 2.0?  Thanx again..


PS: Please Post here or email to: jcheng@neptune.calstatela.edu

"Still Only Amiga Makes it Possible!!!!!!"

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) (06/04/91)

In article <9106032153.AA03565@mars.calstatela.edu> jcheng%mars@CALSTATELA.EDU (jackson cheng 05-01-91) writes:
>Does anybody know the best FTP site for the latest Fish disks?
>Perferbably in the US.  Thanx a lot...

o /
-X- clip 'n' save --- clip 'n' save --- clip 'n' save --- clip 'n' save ---
o \    ux1.cso.uiuc.edu	FF56-480(*), Amicus, CUCUG	isca.icaen.uiowa.edu	FF1-450(*),	gatekeeper.dec.com	FF1-370: /pub/micro/amiga/fish	ab20.larc.nasa.gov	xanth	hubcap.clemson.edu	Amiga files, ftp list	mars.ee.msstate.edu	(Also has 128/64 Stuff)

(*) Last checked 5/26/91

--- clip 'n' save --- clip 'n' save --- clip 'n' save --- clip 'n' save ---
Dave Schaumann      | There is no cause so right that one cannot find a fool
dave@cs.arizona.edu | following it.	- Niven's Law # 16

amigapd@icaen.uiowa.edu (ISCA Amiga librarian) (06/05/91)

jcheng%mars@CALSTATELA.EDU (jackson cheng 05-01-91) writes:

>Does anybody know the best FTP site for the latest Fish disks?
>Perferbably in the US.  Thanx a lot...

I currently have 1-450 and 481-490 online, and 451-480 will be up by the end
of the week.  (gory details in a later post....)
