[comp.sys.amiga.misc] HOW do you use Ulaw2Iff/Iff2Ulaw?

dcoteles@bonnie.ics.uci.edu (David Domenick Cotelessa) (06/03/91)

They have the .c and .h at the end of them with a makefile file with it...
I don't have a clue as how to execute or compile any of these files..

Can anyone help me out?
**A friendly word from*********************.-.*******************************
   .--.  .-..-.  .-..--..-.-,  .--..--.   / / a.k.a. Dave Cotelessa
  /  O) / O|| D)/ O)| O| \'/  / __)| O|  / /  <dcoteles@bonnie.ics.uci.edu>
 / /|| /   ||_//  O)`--' //  / (_ )`--' `-'
`-' `'`-^--'  `----'    `'  `.___.'    () "GET WILD AND TOUGH!" --City Hunter

yurkon@CYCVAX.NSCL.MSU.EDU (06/05/91)

In article <2849DB6D.13585@ics.uci.edu>, dcoteles@bonnie.ics.uci.edu (David Domenick Cotelessa) writes...

>They have the .c and .h at the end of them with a makefile file with it...
>I don't have a clue as how to execute or compile any of these files..
>Can anyone help me out?

First you need a C compiler.  It you have the one from Lattice on the Amiga you
would, to generate Write8svx, type :

lc write8svx
lc iffw
lc conv

blink lib:c.o,iffw.o,conv.o,write8svx.o to Write8SVX lib lib:,lc.lib,

<The blink command would be all one line>

This will generate the code to convert from .au to .iff files.  I've tried it
and it seems to run fine on my Amiga.  I didn't compile the others since I'm
not interested in going the other direction.

I suspect that you don't have a C compiler or you would have known how to do
this.  If there is interest I will post the binary (executable) to ab20.
