[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Problem using MSDOS-utils


All the new macintoshes with a highdensity drive come with an application
called Apple File Exchange. This program allows the user to format, read
and write to ProDos, MAC and MS-Dos disk, with the sizes 400K,720K,800K,1.4M

Now I was using this program to transfer data on a 720K MSDOS disk to my
Amiga 500 with one drive + TRUMPCARD. I use PCPATCH for msdos on my Amiga.

The problem now is that the MACINTOSH does not read disks formatted on the
amiga, and that it cannot read files from a MAC-formatted msdos disk, that
were written by my amiga.

It is however possible to format and write on the Macintosh, and than read
everything on the amiga.

Has anyone ever used APPLE FILE EXCHANGE? Am I doing something wrong? Why
does it only work one way ? MAC->AMIGA Do I need a different program on
my amiga? Does DOS2DOS work? CROSSDO
S? MessyDOS?
Any answers are welcome.
Nils Gokemeijer   (NJ_GOKEMEIJE@FANDM.bitnet)

c506634@umcvmb.missouri.edu (Eric Edwards) (06/06/91)

> All the new macintoshes with a highdensity drive come with an application
> called Apple File Exchange. This program allows the user to format, read
> and write to ProDos, MAC and MS-Dos disk, with the sizes 400K,720K,800K,1.4M
> Now I was using this program to transfer data on a 720K MSDOS disk to my
> Amiga 500 with one drive + TRUMPCARD. I use PCPATCH for msdos on my Amiga.
> The problem now is that the MACINTOSH does not read disks formatted on the
> amiga, and that it cannot read files from a MAC-formatted msdos disk, that
> were written by my amiga.
> It is however possible to format and write on the Macintosh, and than read
> everything on the amiga.
In my experience, Apple File Exchange is very finicky about which MSDOS
disks it will read.  The problem is not limited to disks formatted on
Amigas.  Several of the PS/2's on campus have this problem too.  If a DOS
disk is formatted in these machines, Apple File Exchange will not read it. 
All the other PS/2's and my amiga have no problem with the disk.  If the
disk is formated on the Mac, then everybody's happy.
On the flip side, I have a disk that will format on my amiga but not on a
PC.  The PC barfs with "Track 0 bad"  However, once formatted with PCPATCH
on the amiga, the PC has no problems with it.  I thought Amiga's were
supposed to be the finicky ones.
Eric Edwards:  c506634 @  "I say we take off and nuke the entire site
Inet: umcvmb.missouri.edu  from orbit.  It's the only way to be sure."
Bitnet: umcvmb.bitnet      -- Sigourney Weaver, _Aliens_