[comp.sys.amiga.misc] CDTV/CD-I at CES

kdarling@hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu (Kevin Darling) (06/07/91)

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) writes:

>	It would be rather refreshing if the reason we didn't see
>the CD-I programs was because they weren't totally finished. It
>is also rare that companies show such standards when it costs
>them free advertising.

I agree that it probably cost them free advertising, but frankly I
suspect they aren't worried about it.  The CD-I wheel grinds slowly
but exceedingly fine ;-).

I would note that I was impressed at the press coverage CDTV managed
to get... kudos to the CBM reps for being on the ball.

>	We'll have to wait and see what happens this Christmas. I
>don't want to sound like a total rah-rah CDTV lover, but I want
>to get rid of the opposite image as well. CDTV has hardly failed.

I don't believe anyone said that CDTV had failed.  That is almost 
always the conclusion reached one-sidedly by CDTV advocates when
told of any new CD-I developments.  Interesting.  But yes, let's wait.
I just wanted to counter the image that players/titles didn't exist.

>My question is simply this: why would Panasonic, et al, not show
>up at CES if they had a product to demonstrate? 

I can only repeat that being at CES has never been an obligation,
as far as I can tell ;-).  Perhaps their reps got drunk and missed
their plane, or were too busy granting an exclusive to Popular Science.
Got me!   cheers - kevin