[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Deskjet Color: Yummy!

aaf4808@venus.tamu.edu (FORD, ANDREW ALLEN) (06/06/91)

Carl, I have the color kit and a DJ-500. I have some good news...8-)

First the good (with some provisions) : I have not yet used the stuff but
the brochure sent with it shows some stunning color work. The reason that
I havent used it is...

Now the bad news: You have to have a program that prints 4-color seps to 
get any meaningful benefit from the kit. The kit comes with the inks but
YOU supply the cartridges (I have three: 2 full and 1 half full. Havent
gotten around to emptying them), 4 in all: red, green, yellow, black. I
think thats the 4 colors. Finally, when printing, you will have to make
four seperate passes with the paper so that the color can overlay.

Now, somewhere on one of these Amiga SIGs, I heard something about an HP
color DJ. My bro' works for HP so I am going to talk to him about it.

Andy.     *I have no fancy trailer so sue me!*    Ford.

taab5@isuvax.iastate.edu (Marc Barrett) (06/06/91)

In article <16961@helios.TAMU.EDU>, aaf4808@venus.tamu.edu (FORD, ANDREW ALLEN) writes:
>Carl, I have the color kit and a DJ-500. I have some good news...8-)
>First the good (with some provisions) : I have not yet used the stuff but
>the brochure sent with it shows some stunning color work. The reason that
>I havent used it is...
>Now the bad news: You have to have a program that prints 4-color seps to 
>get any meaningful benefit from the kit. The kit comes with the inks but
>YOU supply the cartridges (I have three: 2 full and 1 half full. Havent
>gotten around to emptying them), 4 in all: red, green, yellow, black. I
>think thats the 4 colors. Finally, when printing, you will have to make
>four seperate passes with the paper so that the color can overlay.

   BTW, you can use PageStream to do the four-color seperated printing.
When I called the company that produces that DeskJet color kit, the
person I talked to specifically mentioned PageStream as the recommended
program to use their ink kit.

>Now, somewhere on one of these Amiga SIGs, I heard something about an HP
>color DJ. My bro' works for HP so I am going to talk to him about it.
>Andy.     *I have no fancy trailer so sue me!*    Ford.
 / Marc Barrett  -MB- | BITNET:   XGR39@ISUVAX.BITNET        /   
/  ISU COM S Student  | Internet: XGR39@CCVAX.IASTATE.EDU   /      
\  ISU : The Home of the Goon                             /
 \       Who wants to Blow Up the Moon                   /

jc@crosfield.co.uk (jerry cullingford) (06/07/91)

In article <16961@helios.TAMU.EDU> aaf4808@venus.tamu.edu writes:
>Carl, I have the color kit and a DJ-500. I have some good news...8-)
>Now the bad news: You have to have a program that prints 4-color seps to 
>get any meaningful benefit from the kit. The kit comes with the inks, 4
>in all: red, green, yellow, black. I think thats the 4 colors..

Minor point: It's actually cyan, magenta, yellow and black.

Not so minor point: And to get _good_ results you probably need a
_printing_ program that understands about using different screen angles for
the different inks, at least if you're using halftones - (I'm not sure what
would happen with dithering) - or you can get nasty patterning.

You could try using the PD "Post" postscript interpreter.. It ought to
understand screen angles (but you still need something to make the seps,
like ADPro).

+-----------------------------------------------------------------+     |
| Jerry Cullingford  #include <std.disclaimer>     +44 442 230000 |   ,-|--
| jc@crosfield.co.uk (was jc@cel.co.uk) or jc@cel.uucp      x3203 |   \_|__
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