[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fish Disks

cr1@reef.cis.ufl.edu (Anubis) (03/04/91)

Where can I get fred fish disks above number 440?

stigove@Lise.Unit.NO (Stig Ove Johnsen) (03/08/91)

Why isn't fish disk 441-460 uploaded yet at neider ux1 or nic.funet.fi ?

Is there some other sites where they could be found ??

Please reply...I need the CanonBJ driver on ff446...  

Stig Ove Johnsen


tcrevier@jarthur.claremont.edu (The Tom) (04/10/91)

Well, there is not a comp.sys.amiga.questions.dumb so, I thought I'd ask here:

Where the &%#@& can I FTP fish disks from?  I have done alot of looking, and
cannot seem to find them.


-----> Tom Crevier        ----->  tcrevier@jarthur.claremont.edu       A
     Harvey Mudd College          TCREVIER@hmcvax.claremont.edu        M
     W I B S T R                  tcrevier@hmcvax.bitnet               I
     If you know what the green lyon is, send me mail                  A


mtpins@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Firestar) (04/10/91)

From article <11624@jarthur.Claremont.EDU>, by tcrevier@jarthur.claremont.edu (The Tom):
> Where the &%#@& can I FTP fish disks from?  I have done alot of looking, and
> cannot seem to find them.

Fish Disks 1-450 can be found at isca.icaen.uiowa.edu.


* Michael Pins (Firestar)     |   Internet: mtpins@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu     *
* ISCA's Amiga Librarian      |         #include <std.disclaimer>           *

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) (04/10/91)

In article <11624@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> tcrevier@jarthur.claremont.edu (The Tom) writes:
>Well, there is not a comp.sys.amiga.questions.dumb so, I thought I'd ask here:
>Where the &%#@& can I FTP fish disks from?  I have done alot of looking, and
>cannot seem to find them.

---- clip 'n' save ---- clip 'n' save ---- clip 'n' save ---- clip 'n' save --    ux1.cso.uiuc.edu	FF56-440, Amicus, CUCUG	isca.icaen.uiowa.edu	FF1-440,	gatekeeper.dec.com	FF1-370: /pub/micro/amiga/fish	ab20.larc.nasa.gov	xanth	hubcap.clemson.edu	Amiga files, ftp list	mars.ee.msstate.edu	(Also has 128/64 Stuff)

---- clip 'n' save ---- clip 'n' save ---- clip 'n' save ---- clip 'n' save --

Note that the high end Fish disk numbers are out of date.  I believe that both
ux1 and isca are both up to at least 460 (haven't checked in a while).

Dave Schaumann | dave@cs.arizona.edu | Short .sig's rule!

owen@emds.enet.dec.com (Steve Owen) (06/07/91)

Have the descriptions of the programs of Fred Fish Disks #481 and beyond been 
released yet?  If so, could someone mail them to me....?


********************************************* /// *****************************
Steve Owen                                   ///  Only AMIGA makes it possible!
owen@emds.enet.dec.com (now-June 21)     \\\///    Amiga, Unix, Mac, & IBM... 
sowen@lynx.northeastern.edu (June 22-?)   \XX/      All on one machine!

**************** SAVE TWIN PEAKS!!!  Mail me for more info. *******************

ewilts@janus.mtroyal.ab.ca (Ed Wilts) (06/07/91)

In article <23226@shlump.lkg.dec.com>, owen@emds.enet.dec.com (Steve Owen) writes:
> Have the descriptions of the programs of Fred Fish Disks #481 and beyond been 
> released yet?  If so, could someone mail them to me....?
> Thanks,
> Steve
You can find the Contents (and disks!) on grind.isca.uiowa.edu.  The contents
can be found on the mailserver at MRCserv@Janus.MtRoyal.AB.CA.  The
cross-reference listing will soon follow (it's been generated, but it has to
make its way over there...)

        .../Ed     Preferrred:  Ed.Wilts@BSC.Galaxy.BCSystems.Gov.BC.CA
Ed Wilts            Alternate:  EdWilts@BCSC02.BITNET    (604) 389-3430
B.C. Systems Corp., 4000 Seymour Place, Victoria, B.C., Canada, V8X 4S8