[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Looking for a 2.0 compatible verion of MSH

rhialto@cs.kun.nl (Olaf'Rhialto'Seibert) (06/08/91)

In article <9105201629.AA20869@ulysse.enst.fr> BUU@CAL.ENST.FR ("Zebulon") writes:
>I am looking for a 2.0 compatible version of Messydos. A few day ago, I
>downloaded the 1.5 version from ab20.larc.nasa.gov and I saw that most of

Get version 1.30 instead. 30 > 5.

Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert                               rhialto@cs.kun.nl
How can you be so stupid if you're identical to me? -Robert Silverberg