[comp.sys.amiga.misc] CDTV on CNN

stevek@amiglynx.UUCP (Steve K) (06/05/91)

Just a few minutes ago I was watching CNN and happened to see them covering
some electronics fair (the details are VERY sketchy, mabey they will show it
again later tonight) were they had a whole buch of new gizmoes, such MD
(Mini-Disk), CD-I, and CDTV.  They had something small on MD, mentioned CD-I
for a half a second, then they covered CDTV.   First there was a VERY
energetic Commodore rep explaining that CDTV is a CD player that can function
as a computer without all that computer stuff (someone please clean up this
quote!).  The softwarw I saw was: A picture of a CD with a rotating CDTV to
the left of it (presumably the intro disk), a painting program, a card game,
something with a large on screen keyboard, and something that looked like a
program testing the aerodynamics of an aircraft.  Also, they had a video
camera hooked up to it and the mans silhouette was projected on the CDTV
screen.  The man moved around and painted on the screen with his hands, and
later they had a row of bells set up on the screen and the man would play them
with his hand.  Pretty neat!!  The only thing that I did not agree with is
that the reporter quoted the price to be from $900-$1400!!  Was this possibly
including the fore mentioned video camera?

I'll see if I can tape the blurb and write a more accurate description of it
later... if anyone else saw it, could you please clean up my quotes and
add/fill in the software titles?

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|| Steve Krulewitz - <stevek@amiglynx.nj.us> - High School Junior Seeking||
|| Fair Lawn, NJ   -  ^^Is This Correct??^^  - College... Inquire Within ||

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (06/05/91)

In article <stevek.5046@amiglynx.UUCP> stevek@amiglynx.UUCP (Steve K) writes:
>Just a few minutes ago I was watching CNN and happened to see them covering
>some electronics fair (the details are VERY sketchy, mabey they will show it
>again later tonight) were they had a whole buch of new gizmoes, such MD
>(Mini-Disk), CD-I, and CDTV.  They had something small on MD, mentioned CD-I
>for a half a second, then they covered CDTV.   First there was a VERY
>energetic Commodore rep explaining that CDTV is a CD player that can function
>as a computer without all that computer stuff (someone please clean up this
>quote!).  The softwarw I saw was: A picture of a CD with a rotating CDTV to
>the left of it (presumably the intro disk), a painting program, a card game,
>something with a large on screen keyboard, and something that looked like a
>program testing the aerodynamics of an aircraft.  Also, they had a video
>camera hooked up to it and the mans silhouette was projected on the CDTV
>screen.  The man moved around and painted on the screen with his hands, and
>later they had a row of bells set up on the screen and the man would play them
>with his hand.  Pretty neat!!  The only thing that I did not agree with is
>that the reporter quoted the price to be from $900-$1400!!  Was this possibly
>including the fore mentioned video camera?
	Was the "energetic Commodore rep" a [grand] motherly
woman telling lots of anecdotes? 8-)

	As to the prices, the $900 is CDTV (well, actually $999
list price). The $1,400 is CD-I, list price.

>I'll see if I can tape the blurb and write a more accurate description of it
>later... if anyone else saw it, could you please clean up my quotes and
>add/fill in the software titles?
	What segment was it on? Science and Technology Today?
	-- Ethan

Now the world has gone to bed,		Now I lay me down to sleep,
Darkness won't engulf my head,		Try to count electric sheep,
I can see by infrared,			Sweet dream wishes you can keep,
How I hate the night.			How I hate the night.   -- Marvin

lord_zar@ucrmath.ucr.edu (wayne wallace) (06/06/91)

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) writes:

>In article <stevek.5046@amiglynx.UUCP> stevek@amiglynx.UUCP (Steve K) writes:
>>for a half a second, then they covered CDTV.   First there was a VERY
>>energetic Commodore rep explaining that CDTV is a CD player that can function
>	Was the "energetic Commodore rep" a [grand] motherly
>woman telling lots of anecdotes? 8-)

It said so on the byline at the bottom of the screen.

Boy it's cool when C= is on CNN. I still remember when Stuart Varney had
this huge smile on his face as he reported C='s stock had tripled from
4 (& some stuff) to 12 (& some stuff). Boy, that was a great day.


kdarling@hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu (Kevin Darling) (06/06/91)

stevek@amiglynx.UUCP (Steve K) writes:
>Just a few minutes ago I was watching CNN and happened to see them covering
> [...CDTV...]
>Also, they had a video
>camera hooked up to it and the mans silhouette was projected on the CDTV
>screen.  The man moved around and painted on the screen with his hands, and
>later they had a row of bells set up on the screen and the man would play them
>with his hand.  Pretty neat!!  The only thing that I did not agree with is
>that the reporter quoted the price to be from $900-$1400!!  Was this possibly
>including the fore mentioned video camera?

It sounds like he was demoing the home version of Mandela, due for XMas.

I believe it costs about $1500 for an A2000 version, so the price quoted
could indeed be just for the additional stuff needed to run it on CDTV.
Perhaps someone who knows more details (on the pricing) could either post
them, or send me email to quote.   - kevin <kdarling@catt.ncsu.edu>

PS: a much cheaper price, using one's own camera, would be way cool.

mykes@amiga0.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Schwartz) (06/07/91)

In article <lord_zar.676156379@ucrmath> lord_zar@ucrmath.ucr.edu (wayne wallace) writes:
>Boy it's cool when C= is on CNN. I still remember when Stuart Varney had
>this huge smile on his face as he reported C='s stock had tripled from
>4 (& some stuff) to 12 (& some stuff). Boy, that was a great day.

Every time I watch CNN, I'm pretty sure that the titling and the little CNN in the
lower right corner of the screen is Amiga generated.  Same for HNN and VH-1, too.
I wouldn't be surprised if the "War in the Gulf" graphics on CNN were Amiga, also.

Someone posted that he saw one of those missle camera shots during the war on CNN,
and right when the missle hit, there was a GURU Meditation.  Obviously, they use
Amigas at CNN for some things.

I have another interesting sighting... A couple of months ago, we had a real bad
rain storm over the weekend.  I turned to the Preview Guide channel on my cable
box and voila, Guru Meditation at the top of the screen, and the Guide was all
messed up.

* I want games that look like Shadow of the Beast  *
* but play like Leisure Suit Larry.                *

stevek@amiglynx.UUCP (Steve K) (06/08/91)

>In article <stevek.5046@amiglynx.UUCP> stevek@amiglynx.UUCP (Steve K) writes:
>>Just a few minutes ago I was watching CNN and happened to see them covering
>>some electronics fair (the details are VERY sketchy, mabey they will show it
>>again later tonight) were they had a whole buch of new gizmoes, such MD
>>(Mini-Disk), CD-I, and CDTV.  They had something small on MD, mentioned CD-I
>	Was the "energetic Commodore rep" a [grand] motherly
>woman telling lots of anecdotes? 8-)

No, it was a black & grey bearded man in a brown suit, slightly hefty, mabey
in his mid 50s?

>	As to the prices, the $900 is CDTV (well, actually $999
>list price). The $1,400 is CD-I, list price.

Yeah, thats probably right - but the reporter made it seem like the CDTV units
were between thoes prices...

>	What segment was it on? Science and Technology Today?
>	-- Ethan

No, a news segment - it may have been the CES show, not completly sure...

As for the software I mentioned with the computer using a camera on a person
as a joystick (help me describe this thing!)  I believe there was something on
it in the most recent AmigaWorld on pg. 12 of Overscan (I just lent my copy of
AW to a friend so I can't let you know what it says) - check it out.

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|| Steve Krulewitz - <stevek@amiglynx.UUCP> - High School Junior Seeking ||
|| Fair Lawn, NJ - LIFE is a $1.25 paperback - CS College-Inquire Within ||