[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Serial port problems..and tape problems..

aru@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Sri-Man) (06/10/91)

I seem to be having a problem with my serial port and the scsi port.
First off, the computer thinks that something is using the serial port when
nothing is connected to it, this means that I can't run any communications
programs at all except in something called share mode, which I can't seem to
find any documentation on in the manuals.  What I was trying to do is connect
a null modem between my XT to my Amiga and transfer some files. 

My second problem seems to be that the scsi interface won't recognize my tape
drive.  It keeps telling me that the drive is of type unknown.  I've tried
everything I could on this and I just reached a dead end.


johnhlee@CS.Cornell.EDU (John H. Lee) (06/10/91)

In article <13363@mentor.cc.purdue.edu> aru@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Sri-Man) writes:
>I seem to be having a problem with my serial port and the scsi port.
>First off, the computer thinks that something is using the serial port when
>nothing is connected to it, this means that I can't run any communications
>programs at all except in something called share mode, which I can't seem to
>find any documentation on in the manuals.  What I was trying to do is connect
>a null modem between my XT to my Amiga and transfer some files. 
>My second problem seems to be that the scsi interface won't recognize my tape
>drive.  It keeps telling me that the drive is of type unknown.  I've tried
>everything I could on this and I just reached a dead end.

Could you please provide a little more information, like the model of your
Amiga, version of AmigaDOS you're running, the communications program,
the SCSI utility program, and the exact errors you're getting?  Otherwise,
what little help I can provide will be based on guesses.

I'm guessing you have an Amiga3000 and are using HDToolbox, based on your
comment that your tape drive is identified as "type unknown."  I can't tell
what version of AmigaDOS you are running.

First thing:  the serial port.  It sounds like that the problem isn't that
nothing is physically connected to your serial port, but rather that some
other program has already allocated the port for its own use.  Check
for other communications programs or utilities like the debugging utility
"Enforcer" (which allocates the serial port) that might have been
automatically started up in your Startup-Sequence.  Solution:  Make sure
they aren't started.  This might also occur after you print something and
the printer port is set to the serial port.  The serial port may then remain
allocated if the printing program does not close the printer device.  This
is unlikely since all programs I've seen close the printer device after
printing.  Solution:  Finish all printing or don't print before.

Second problem:  the tape drive.  If HDToolbox finds the tape drive but
can't identify the type, there may be nothing wrong.  HDToolbox only
displays information about drives for which it knows the parameters, and
then only for SCSI devices that identify themselves as "direct-access
devices."  HDToolbox also displays my tape drive as "type unknown", but the
fact that HDToolbox can even find it indicates that the drive is hooked up
and active on the SCSI bus.  HDToolbox is designed for formatting, testing
and partitioning direct-access devices only.  To use a tape drive you'll
need other software such as the BTNTape driver and Tar tape archival
programs.  Solution:  Nothing may be wrong, unless additional information
indicates otherwise; get software designed for a tape drive.

The DiskDoctor threatens the crew!  Next time on AmigaDos: The Next Generation.
	John Lee		Internet: johnhlee@cs.cornell.edu
The above opinions are those of the user, and not of this machine.