[comp.sys.amiga.misc] gender of Agnus

cg108fgj@ICOGSCI1.UCSD.EDU (Dennis Lou) (06/01/91)

I know that Agnes is female, but what is Agnus?
Is it male or female?

Dennis Lou             || "But Yossarian, what if everyone thought that way?"
dlou@ucsd.edu          || "Then I'd be crazy to think any other way!"
[backbone]!ucsd!dlou   |+====================================================
dlou@ucsd.BITNET       |Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak went to my high school.

pilgrim@daimi.aau.dk (Jakob G}rdsted) (06/03/91)

cg108fgj@ICOGSCI1.UCSD.EDU (Dennis Lou) writes:
>I know that Agnes is female, but what is Agnus?
>Is it male or female?

Well. I don't know, but in Denmark girls can be named
Agnes, and boys can be named Agnus.

Have you observed, how many people refer to the 'Agnes
chip' in these newsgroups? They call it Agnes instead
of Agnus, so I'm a bit confused.
From the notorious
                      Jakob Gaardsted, Computer Science Department
Bed og arbejd !            University of Aarhus,  Jylland (!)
(Pray and work!)  AMIGA!  pilgrim@daimi.aau.dk | I'd rather play Moria.

peterk@cbmger.UUCP (Peter Kittel GERMANY) (06/03/91)

In article <1991Jun2.184527.22985@daimi.aau.dk> pilgrim@daimi.aau.dk (Jakob G}rdsted) writes:
>cg108fgj@ICOGSCI1.UCSD.EDU (Dennis Lou) writes:
>>I know that Agnes is female, but what is Agnus?
>>Is it male or female?
>Well. I don't know, but in Denmark girls can be named
>Agnes, and boys can be named Agnus.

Well, over the last 5 years I always saw it referenced as "Agnus",
definitely male. But on the (older?) A500 boards it is marked as
"Fat Lady". The term "Agnes" is from my memory the old name, as was
"Portia" (female) the former name for "Paula" (also female, hmm).
And the female "Denise" was in former times also referenced as
"Denis" (male).
It appears as if the case is yet not finally decided...

>Have you observed, how many people refer to the 'Agnes
>chip' in these newsgroups? They call it Agnes instead
>of Agnus, so I'm a bit confused.

Huh? Never saw that.

Best regards, Dr. Peter Kittel  // E-Mail to  \\  Only my personal opinions... 
Commodore Frankfurt, Germany  \X/ {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!cbmger!peterk

ttr1415@helios.TAMU.EDU (Thom Robertson) (06/04/91)

Agnes?Agnus?Denise?Denis?...  I don't care what anybody says, my Amiga
is NOT a faggot! Gender confusion? No way!

Amiga...  it skips and jumps, it wears high heels,
          suspenders and a bra...

( with apologies to Monty Python. :-) ) 

orovner@sdcc13.ucsd.edu (Oleg Rovner) (06/04/91)

In article <16835@helios.TAMU.EDU> ttr1415@helios.TAMU.EDU (Thom Robertson) writes:
>Agnes?Agnus?Denise?Denis?...  I don't care what anybody says, my Amiga
>is NOT a faggot! Gender confusion? No way!

No, it is not, although its owner is an idiot. 
Just one politically incorrect, white heterosexual male's flame of a tactless 

"One man's 'harsh and bitter truth' is another man's 'foolish and uninformed
fiction'" -d.haynie

jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) (06/04/91)

In article <1991Jun2.184527.22985@daimi.aau.dk> pilgrim@daimi.aau.dk (Jakob G}rdsted) writes:
>Have you observed, how many people refer to the 'Agnes
>chip' in these newsgroups? They call it Agnes instead
>of Agnus, so I'm a bit confused.

It's probably a case of people not taking the time to get it right, but
there *is* a precedent for it.

When the Amiga was announced, the custom chips weren't Agnus, Denise, and
Paula.	They were Agnes, Daphne, and Portia.

At least it's been a while since anyone has spelled it "Angus"!

*  From the disk of:  | jms@vanth.uucp		     | "You know I never knew
Jim Shaffer, Jr.      | amix.commodore.com!vanth!jms | that it could be so
37 Brook Street       | uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms  | strange..."
Montgomery, PA 17752  | 72750.2335@compuserve.com    |		     (R.E.M.)

tal@sdl.Warren.MENTORG.COM (Tom Limoncelli) (06/10/91)

In article <16835@helios.TAMU.EDU> ttr1415@helios.TAMU.EDU (Thom Robertson) writes:
>  Agnes?Agnus?Denise?Denis?...  I don't care what anybody says, my Amiga
>  is NOT a faggot! Gender confusion? No way!

Homosexuality and bisexuality are not the results of "gender
confusion".  I can recommend books on the topic if you would like.

>  Amiga...  it skips and jumps, it wears high heels,
>	     suspenders and a bra...
>  ( with apologies to Monty Python. :-) ) 

How about apologies to the various Usenet readers that you just offended?

Tom Limoncelli -- tal@Warren.MENTORG.COM    (Please discontinue use
Mentor Graphics, Warren, New Joisey.    of tlimonce@drew.{edu,bitnet})