[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Bible programs summary

bruceg@crash.cts.com (Bruce Geerdes) (06/11/91)

Well, there seem to be a few Bible programs for the Amiga out there, but
none like what I am planning.  Here's what's out there:

guy@anubis.network.com (Guy D'Andrea):
> Our local Amiga users group got a hold of a set of 
> floppies (10 I think?) that has the whole Bible on them 
> (ASCII format I believe).

Yes, that is what I have.  It is the whole King James version (which is in
the public domain) in ASCII format, each chapter in its own file.  It takes
up 6 or 7 disks.

roger_earl@icecave.wimsey.bc.ca (Roger Earl):
> I don't know if this qualifies as an Amiga program, but I 
> have 'The Illustrated Holy Bible' on the CDTV.  Its 
> published by Animated Pixels (the same guys that do 
> Barney Bear) and has excellent search features as well as 
> a nice interface.  You can use it on an Amiga as soon as 
> Commodore releases their CD-Rom attachment.

meyers@wybbs.mi.org (John Meyers):
> Well, there is a New Testament program available for FTP 
> on AB20. It used CanDO as an interface. But, I'm not even 
> sure if it let one search - I think one just selected the 
> desired book, and it printed it out. My disclaimer is 
> that I haven't spent much time on it, so I could be wrong.

If I remember right, this program is extremely big.  Kind of a problem for
the poor sods who don't have hard drives (like me).

rutgers!buster.stafford.tx.us!rwc@UCSD.EDU (Robert W. Craven):
> I have seen a program called "Bible Reader" I think.  The 
> company was from Atlanta, GA. and was a King James 
> Version.

There was another message which I forgot to save that mentioned a catalog
from New Zealand that had the ASCII files for sale, along with a KJV and a
NIV reader.

What am I planning?  I hope to have the whole Bible on two disks, allowing
a 2 floppy Amiga user to jump anywhere in the Bible or do whole Bible word
and phrase searches without having to switch disks.  My Bible files are 30%
the size of the ASCII files, so they will fit on 2 floppies.  Now it's just
a matter of whether I'll be able to fit my program and the other necessary
files on there too.

I am using the King James version of the Bible because it's in the public
domain and may be freely distributed.  After this is done, though, I plan
on doing other versions, such as the NKJV, NASB, and the NIV.  We'll see.

If anyone would like more information on the program I am working on, feel 
free to mail me at crash or on Fidonet (Bruce Geerdes, 1:129/34).