[comp.sys.amiga.misc] UCSD Amiga User's Group

rblewitt@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (Richard Blewitt) (06/11/91)

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Take a break from those silly finals.
If you have no finals, take a break anyway.

Come join the UCSD Amiga User's Group for a 
lively discusion of the latest and greatest
for our favorite computers.

The featured demonstrations this month are:

	Quarterback Tools, the ultimate hard 
	   disk utility.

	Macro Paint, a 4096 color paint 
	  program that supports dynamic hires
	  and sham modes. 

The meeting is Tuesday June 11th, at 7pm, in 
room 201 of the media center.


For more information, reply to this message,
or send e-mail to amug@ucsd.edu