[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A500 clock problem

cullip@sargent.cs.unc.edu (Timothy Cullip) (06/11/91)

I'm having a problem with my A500's battery backed up clock.
My A500 no longer seems to be able to keep track of time -
each time I power up it gives me what seems to be a random
date and time (for example April 1932).  It also reports
the following (paraphrased from memory):

"Warning, clock found at old address"

Setting the system date and time with date and then running
setclock save doesn't help, also running setclock reset doesn't
help.  In fact setclock save, setclock load, setclock reset all
give the above message.

Any suggestions?  By the way I recently added a LUCAS/FRANCES
pair to the system, but the problem developed well after the

Tim Cullip


   Tim Cullip