[comp.sys.amiga.misc] 030 Update to 33 or 50mhz

lynx@amiglynx.UUCP (Dario Fernando) (06/05/91)

I want to know if someone can answer my question, I did it a couple of times
and no one replys accually I did get a reply it was   NO   I don't need a   NO
I need an answer.

I have a GVP 28 mhz plain with no memory or nothing, can I go up to 33 or 50
mhz by changeing the 030 in the crystal and a fast memory? my view is that I
think I can by putting a 50 mhz 030 , change the crystal and adding a memory
of 60 or 70 ns , AM I WRONG OR WHAT.
Please be a nice and reply.

It seems stupid to pay $2500. for a 50 mgz I know it goes to 32 megs but I
don't care to much for that.

I think it can be done by buying the new GVP serial 2 030 scii 22mhz and then
expand up to 50 it cost only $350.00 for a 50mhz chip I don't care for the MMU
I don't need it for grafics.
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rmk@rmkhome.UUCP (Rick Kelly) (06/11/91)

In article <lynx.5098@amiglynx.UUCP> lynx@amiglynx.UUCP (Dario Fernando) writes:
>I want to know if someone can answer my question, I did it a couple of times
>and no one replys accually I did get a reply it was   NO   I don't need a   NO
>I need an answer.
>I have a GVP 28 mhz plain with no memory or nothing, can I go up to 33 or 50
>mhz by changeing the 030 in the crystal and a fast memory? my view is that I
>think I can by putting a 50 mhz 030 , change the crystal and adding a memory
>of 60 or 70 ns , AM I WRONG OR WHAT.
>Please be a nice and reply.

You would probably have to change all PALs and PLAs on the board due to
timing restrictions.  There could also be noise interaction between the
layers of the board, if it is only meant to run at less than 30 mhz.

Some of the TTL chips may not be fast enough.

This is all educated guessing on my part, but board timing becomes critical
when you speed up the clock.  In other words, this could work for you, or it
could be your worst nightmare.

>It seems stupid to pay $2500. for a 50 mgz I know it goes to 32 megs but I
>don't care to much for that.
>I think it can be done by buying the new GVP serial 2 030 scii 22mhz and then
>expand up to 50 it cost only $350.00 for a 50mhz chip I don't care for the MMU
>I don't need it for grafics.

If you have the hardware expertise, and access to a logic analyzer, go for

Rick Kelly	rmk@rmkhome.UUCP	frog!rmkhome!rmk	rmk@frog.UUCP