[comp.sys.amiga.misc] GOMF IS CPU GREEDY


>From:  IN%"stevex@artech.uucp"  "Steve Tibbett" 11-JUN-1991 04:42:31.01
>In article <223@taloa.unice.fr> beust@taloa.unice.fr (Cedric Beust) writes:
>>    I wanted to have statistics about the CPU use on my Amiga and was
>>very suprised to see that gomf (3.0, so launched via runback) used
>>about 12 (twelve!) percent of CPU time, and in READY mode, not
>>WAITING. So I decided not to use it any more.
>>    Anyone can corroborate this amazing figure?
>And I bet you used XOPER or some other thing that measures the dispatched
>counter that Exec keeps to figure out how busy the task is.

Why does EXEC need to know? Does it effect the sharing of CPU time?
How does "pre-emptive Multitasking work"?
Does a priority of 5 guarantee me a certain percentage of cpu time?
Or a certain maximum non-active period?
HOw does Exec decide which task should be run ?
How often does EXEc switch?
Does a task with a priority of -128 ever get to run?

[stuff about how a program causes dispatches and thus high percentages
 in xoper without taking a lot of cpu time  deleted ...]

Would anyone care to explain of these misteries of the AmigaOS?

Nils Gokemeijer (NJ_GOKEMEIJE@FANDM)