[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Buzzing and interference

specter@disk.uucp (Byron Max Guernsey) (06/12/91)

Is there any way to get rid of the buzzing caused by the bright image on a
monitor when using the audio channels on the amiga? I send the audio out
to a sterio, and then through headphone and depending on what is on the screen,
I get a loud buzzing that is really anoyying.

Also, I have a genloc and watch the tv (vcr) behind my work (Ie text...like I
am watching David Letterman right now) but...this channel (channel 3 around
here) comes in REAL fuzzy when my computer is on and when the hard drive is
turned on. I tried plugging it into a different socket, but I had to run an
extension cord downstairs and found that it was really the same circuit. SO
I get a blurry picture...is there any way to fix this? Is it the circuit? Or
is it the computer and drive interfering with the antenae??
