[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fat Agnus gripes ...

wdao@girtab.usc.edu (Walter Dao) (06/10/91)

My system is a 1.3 rom amiga 500 with 1 meg. When I had only the reg. agnus
(0.5 meg) I was able to rip off tons of soundtrack modules after a reset. 
90% of the time the memory was not cleared leaving prg data such as GFX and 
music to the harvesting . Now I have expanded to the fat agnus. I can run 
the DEMOS in PAL mode , but now ripping the modules is nearly impossible
after a reset. now 99% of the time the memory is cleared totally. 
I have tried to re-rip a demo I ripped in the past, well, I failed on my face.
Why is it that with the fat agnus, memory is cleared all the time at boot time?
that's a drag.
(what do I use to rip modules ? the best weapon on the market : MON)


chem194@csc.canterbury.ac.nz (John Davis) (06/11/91)

In article <17769@chaph.usc.edu>, wdao@girtab.usc.edu (Walter Dao) writes:
> My system is a 1.3 rom amiga 500 with 1 meg. When I had only the reg. agnus
> (0.5 meg) I was able to rip off tons of soundtrack modules after a reset. 
> 90% of the time the memory was not cleared leaving prg data such as GFX and 
> music to the harvesting . Now I have expanded to the fat agnus. I can run 
> the DEMOS in PAL mode , but now ripping the modules is nearly impossible
> after a reset. now 99% of the time the memory is cleared totally. 
> I have tried to re-rip a demo I ripped in the past, well, I failed on my face.
> Why is it that with the fat agnus, memory is cleared all the time at boot 
> time? that's a drag.

there's a bit of a bug in KickStart 1.2/1.3 which causes the machine to always
do a cold boot if you've got more than 512k of chip mem  ( kickstart treats
>512K as an error condition - true enough when the roms were burnt, but a bit
of a pain now). Hence, with 1Mb of chip, every time you reboot all memory gets
stomped by the cold boot mem test. Good news in that it stops most viruses dead
- bad news in that it stops you being able to 'rip' graphics or soundtracker
Of course CBM are aware of this, as on top of everything else it makes RAD:
unusable - hence if you run CBM's Setpatch with the 'r' option (or is it -r ?
can never remember) it installs a small patch (on coldcapture) to cure the
problem. However, the patch code _doesn't_ re-install itself on reboot, so you
_must_ make sure you run setpatch each time you boot (a nuisance).  
An alternative is to use BootMenu (on ab20.larc.nasa.gov, and came thru in
comp.sources.amiga a while back too), which installs a persistent patch for the
1Mb chip bug (will stay effective until BootMenu is killed), and also gives you
the PAL/NTSC switching option all in the same program (of course I'm totally
biased, being the author of it :-)
| o      John Davis - CHEM194@csc.canterbury.ac.nz       o |
| o    (Depart)mental Programmer,Chemistry Department    o |
| o  University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand o | 

guy@ns.network.com (Guy D'Andrea) (06/11/91)

In article <1991Jun11.104535.1057@csc.canterbury.ac.nz> chem194@csc.canterbury.ac.nz (John Davis) writes:
<long bit..>
>the PAL/NTSC switching option all in the same program (of course I'm totally
>biased, being the author of it :-)
>| o      John Davis - CHEM194@csc.canterbury.ac.nz       o |
>| o    (Depart)mental Programmer,Chemistry Department    o |
>| o  University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand o | 

Since you are the author of BootMenu, is it possible to make it work the 1st
time the machine boots up?  Just wondering because I like it otherwise!

 guy@nsco.network.com                                     //                 
 Guy Dandrea                                          \\ //                  
 Network Systems Corp., Mpls. MN                       \X/                   
 1-800-328-9108  Fax:(612)424-1736   "Me and my Amiga...anything is possible?" 

chem194@csc.canterbury.ac.nz (John Davis) (06/12/91)

In article <1991Jun11.125821.10266@ns.network.com>, guy@ns.network.com (Guy D'Andrea) writes:

> Since you are the author of BootMenu, is it possible to make it work the 1st
> time the machine boots up?  Just wondering because I like it otherwise!

sorry, but it's simply not possible (kind of hard to get something into
ram _before_ the power's turned on:-). The only solution would be to
put the BootMenu code into ROM...

| o      John Davis - CHEM194@csc.canterbury.ac.nz       o |
| o    (Depart)mental Programmer,Chemistry Department    o |
| o  University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand o |