[comp.sys.amiga.misc] X-Specs are still Alive!, read for info....

chymes@uri.csmil.umich.edu (Charles Hymes) (06/14/91)

that said, here is some of what I know about them and Hiatex, the

Hiatex has moved to South Carolina.
Thier address is 
Hiatex Resources
PO box 20609
Charleston SC 29413-0609

But they are really in Mount Pleasant South Carolina
Thier phone is 
Voice:	1-803-881-7518
Fax:BBS	1-803-881-7522 (I have not called this number)

I talked to Shaun Glisson, and he said:
Hiatex is still making X-Xpecs for
Amiga	with a interface box software,and devo kit,
Nintendo bare
and OEM for several companies.

X-specs will work on a A3000, but not in any non-interlace mode. The
X-Specs software are not 2.0 compatable, but they might work anyway.

You can buy a set from them for $125 or (an old version) from Creative
Computers for  94.95;
The Devo Kit is $50 and is back orderd, it allows you to control the
specs and do memory management, but the mathematical software for the
generation of steroscopic images is not available (but will be... sure).
They also send some goodies like a tech report from a sigraph, and
references to other articles.

Finally, several people, including myself, are working on X-Specs
projects, if you are too, or did in the past, or are considering it
for the future, email me, and we all can compare notes and share info.

Charles Hymes