[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A3000 External SCSI Cable Info needed

skelley@umiacs.umd.edu (Stephen Kelley) (06/14/91)

This is a repost from Thurs:

	I need to get/make a SCSI cable between my A3000 and an external
case - DB25 to CENTRONICS 50.  The A3000 docs describe the pinout on
the computer side (DB25) but (since it's std I s'pose) the docs for
the case don't give the pinouts for the C50.

	I bought a MAC cable but the pinouts are so *weird* they can't be
right (for the Amiga, anyway).  (A psychadelic fruit w/ a bite missing
for a logo has got to make you wonder (;-) )

	I'm going to call the case & tape drive co.s but I'd appreciate
net response too. ie (Salesdroid: "CENTRONICS50 ??? Isn't that some
chemical found in my breatfast cereal like mono-sodium-what's-it's-mate?)
Internet:	skelley@umiacs.umd.edu
Usenet:		uunet!umiacs.umd.edu!skelley