[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Current release of AmigaVision

brianr@tekig1.PEN.TEK.COM (Brian E Rhodefer) (06/15/91)

Though I purchased AmigaVision nearly a year ago, I haven't attempted
to actually DO anything with it until last week, when I began working
on a problem that AmigaVision ought to be well-suited for.

Unfortunately, my copy of AmigaVision is of version 1.3, and is extremely
crash-prone.  It crashes within a very few operations under Workbench 2.0
on my A3000, or after a moderate number of operations under KS1.3/WB1.3.
Gurus are less frequent when I run AV on my A2000, but they're still
seriously hampering my progress.

Amiga World's "how-to" manual for AmigaVision strongly recommends using
only the latest versions of AmigaVision, and that sounds like very good
advice to me.

I hadn't made much of an issue about my A3000's carton failing to contain
a copy of AmigaVision (as the sticker on the side said it should), because
I considered myself morally entitled to simply install the version I'd
already bought for my 2000.  After I saw how buggy AV V1.3 was, though, I
went back to the dealer (Clackamas Computers) and asked them to make good
on the "AmigaVision Included" promise, hoping to get an up-to-date version
that way.

Clackamas quite reasonably rectified this omission by giving me another
off-the-shelf copy of AmigaVision.  Unfortunately, this second copy was
*ALSO* of Version 1.3.  Oh well, at least it won't fall into the hands
of a less understanding customer...

I called Commodore's magnanimous $5/call 1-900 number for AmigaVision
support.  The person I spoke to there said that if I mailed them my
original disk, they'd send me a copy of the new version.  This is fine,
and I am indeed mailing the disk today, but the "...and allow 4 to 6
*weeks* for delivery" clause on Commodore's replacement-disk bingo card
has got me a little uneasy.   That much delay in producing the application
I'm working on would be very inconvenient.

Soo..  (finally) to the point:

Is there any kind soul out there who'd be willing to give me a copy of
a more recent version of AmigaVision?  I'd be happy to pick it up in
person anywhere in the Portland/Vancouver area, and can supply proof
(in the form of sales receipts, manuals, and original disks) of my
legitimate ownership of AmigaVision. 


Brian Rhodefer