[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Help with FTPMAIL needed

mlaidlaw@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA (Mike Laidlaw) (06/11/91)

I am a usenet/internet user from outside the USA and thanks to another user
have got a listing of whats on the ab20 archive.I have tried to use the ftp
mail server "FTPMAIL@DECWRL.DEC.COM" but I have recieved no reply from
it.What I mean by no reply is that when I sent a "DIR" command to it for
ab20,it sent me mail saying that my request was on the queue and to expect it
in a day or so.After a day,I recieved more mail from it but this time with a
copy of the ftp transaction as well as the listing of the root of ab20.Then I
sent to FTPMAIL a script to get some binarys (about 1 megs worth) and have
been waiting for any reply for 2 weeks.Have I exceeded a limit on gets or is
it something else ? 

Please could anybody help me.

BTW I have checked my script 10^10^10^10 (an exaggeration) times and have
found no fault with it.Here is a copy of it for you to check:

reply mlaidlaw@daisy.ee.und.ac.za
connect ab20.larc.nasa.gov
get /amiga/applications/Convert.ReadMe
get /amiga/applications/HyperText.readme
get /amiga/applications/NewTest.readme
get /amiga/applications/README
get /amiga/applications/cal-1.2.Readme
get /amiga/applications/citebase.readme
get /amiga/applications/sc.readme
get /amiga/applications/spread12.Readme
get /amiga/games/Empire22w.ReadMe
get /amiga/games/LOC-Simulator.Readme
get /amiga/games/NetHack-3.0-PL9.Readme
get /amiga/games/Predator.Readme
get /amiga/games/README
get /amiga/games/Read.Me
get /amiga/languages/README
get /amiga/text/CManual.txt
get /FILES.Z
get /amiga/applications/Boards.lzh
get /amiga/applications/clock.lzh
get /amiga/applications/analycalc-25.3a.lzh
get /amiga/applications/plans.lzh
get /amiga/applications/tbuildscreen2.lzh
get /amiga/fish/aquarium/aquarium-401-410.lzh
get /amiga/fish/fishcon/fishcon-450.lzh
get /amiga/games/Dungeon.lzh
get /amiga/games/MechForce-3.71.lzh
get /amiga/games/Monopoly.lzh
get /amiga/text/filelab.lzh

dir /amiga/games/patches
dir /amiga/graphics/anims
dir /amiga/graphics/blankers
dir /amiga/graphics/conv
dir /amiga/graphics/fonts
dir /amiga/graphics/icons
dir /amiga/graphics/mandelbrot
dir /amiga/graphics/plotting
dir /amiga/graphics/ray-code
dir /amiga/graphics/viewers
dir /amiga/graphics/wdb
dir /amiga/languages/assembly
dir /amiga/languages/c
dir /amiga/languages/misc
dir /amiga/languages/pascal
dir /amiga/music/modules
dir /amiga/music/tools
dir /amiga/utils/archivers
dir /amiga/utils/comm
dir /amiga/utils/emulators
dir /amiga/utils/printer
dir /amiga/utils/virus
dir /amiga/utils/2.0
dir /amiga/utils/amigavision
dir /amiga/utils/arexx
dir /amiga/utils/disk
dir /amiga/utils/editors
dir /amiga/utils/file
dir /amiga/utils/sound
dir /amiga/utils/system

cd /amiga

Thanks in advance,

Myron :-)

robert@dg.se (Robert Claeson) (06/14/91)

In article <1991Jun11.091551.6524@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA>,
mlaidlaw@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA (Mike Laidlaw) writes:

|> I am a usenet/internet user from outside the USA and thanks to
|> another user
|> have got a listing of whats on the ab20 archive.I have tried to use
|> the ftp
|> mail server "FTPMAIL@DECWRL.DEC.COM" but I have recieved no reply
|> from
|> it.What I mean by no reply is that when I sent a "DIR" command to it
|> for
|> ab20,it sent me mail saying that my request was on the queue and to
|> expect it
|> in a day or so.

Lucky you. I sent off a message containing "help" to it and am still
waiting for
something to appear in my mailbox.

Robert Claeson

Just because I am writing this doesn't mean that my employer agrees
with me.

CB@brewhq.swb.de (Christian Balzer) (06/15/91)

In article <1991Jun11.091551.6524@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA> mlaidlaw@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA (Mike Laidlaw) writes:
[Problems with the ftpmail service at decwrl]
>BTW I have checked my script 10^10^10^10 (an exaggeration) times and have
>found no fault with it.Here is a copy of it for you to check:
[Correct looking script deleted]
First of, I don't speak for DEC, I just take their money.

The ftpmail service is, as I understand it, not a privat thing to
Digital employees, but there are priorities...
On the other hand, the service hasn't been designed to handle the ever
increasing load of all the mail-FTP requests out there. 
The script you submitted might have been:
a) thrown into the bit bucket, or
b) just delayed due to the shere size of it.

Try submitting smaller jobs and keep in mind that this is not an
_official_ (whatever that means ;-) service and maintened in the spare
time of the great folks at decwrl.


  // <CB> aka Christian Balzer, P.O. Box 1348, D-6108 Weiterstadt, Germany
\X/  -The Software Brewery-  Domain: CB@frambo.enet.dec.com | CB@brewhq.swb.de
SWB  US-Bang: {uunet}!cbmvax!cbmger!brewas!CB | EU-Bang: unido!incom!brewas!CB