[comp.sys.amiga.misc] ab20 vs source/binaries groups

monty@sagpd1 (06/05/91)

In article <1991Jun3.193307.2143@csustan.csustan.edu> rayz@altair.csustan.edu (R. L. Zarling) writes:
>In response to numerous requests, I have posted my revision of Bob Leivian's
>Less1.3 (dubbed Less1.3Z) to ab20.larc.nasa.gov (  It is
>file Less13Z.lzh, currently in directory /incoming/amiga.

    I have a question concerning posting things to ab20 vs the bin/source
    groups. First off, did I miss a notice about ab20 being a e-mail server
    or is it only accessable via ftp? If the later is the case, there are
    many of us out here that do not have ftp access. The ratio of things
    going to ab20 vs the bin/src groups has reached what appears to be about 
    20:1. If ab20 is a e-mail server then I apologize for this post, other-
    wise how about posting things to the moderator of the bin/src groups and
    sharing all these goodies with the rest of us.

    Flames to dev:NULL please.

    Monty Saine

swildner@channelz.gun.de (Sascha Wildner) (06/13/91)

>    I have a question concerning posting things to ab20 vs the bin/source
>    groups. First off, did I miss a notice about ab20 being a e-mail server
>    or is it only accessable via ftp? If the later is the case, there are
>    many of us out here that do not have ftp access. The ratio of things
>    going to ab20 vs the bin/src groups has reached what appears to be about 
>    20:1. If ab20 is a e-mail server then I apologize for this post, other-
>    wise how about posting things to the moderator of the bin/src groups and
>    sharing all these goodies with the rest of us.

Even if ab20 *IS* an email server and not only accessable via ftp, it is
totally useless (at least for me ;-)), since I do PAY for every single KB of
mail I receive. And a lot of people I know here in Germany have to pay, too.

It would be nice if the rest of the world could think of me (and the other
poor Germans) and send their programs to Tad Guy.

sascha wildner         swildner@channelz.gun.de
am druvendriesch 27    ...!{tmpmbx|mcshh|smurf|unido}!easix!channelz!swildner
5030 huerth 6
++49-2233-15571        "A sucker is born every minute."

tadguy@abcfd01.larc.nasa.gov (Tad Guy) (06/15/91)

swildner@channelz.gun.de (Sascha Wildner) writes:
> Even if ab20 *IS* an email server and not only accessable via ftp, it is
> totally useless (at least for me ;-)), since I do PAY for every single KB of
> mail I receive. And a lot of people I know here in Germany have to pay, too.
> It would be nice if the rest of the world could think of me (and the other
> poor Germans) and send their programs to Tad Guy.

Woah!  Please *don't* send your programs to me!!  Instead, send them to 
<amiga@uunet.uu.net>.  I don't want all that stuff going in my mailbox! :-)
