[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Networking

billc@cryo.rain.com (William J. Coldwell) (06/17/91)

In article <1991Jun14.081836.1@vf.jsc.nasa.gov> kent@vf.jsc.nasa.gov writes:
>In article <22335@cbmvax.commodore.com>, chrisl@cbmvax.commodore.com (Christian Ludwig - CATS) writes:
>>>     Networking is a biggie.  I've heard, in one of the Amiga magazies, that
>>>Commodore is developing the Standard Amiga Networking Architecture (SANA). I
>>>think that they should, instead, call it Standard Amiga Networking Environment
>>>(SANE).  It can be marketed as "The computer for the SANE mind."

Actually, last I saw, it was SANA2, or son of SANA. ;-).

>I hope not, Amiga needs to push the TCP/IP and novell cards they already
>produce for the Amiga.  This is no time to come up with another new

The standard is more of a transparent interaction between network card
manufacturers.  So, you could route a packet back and forth between two
different network cards without the remote Amiga actually knowing (or
caring) how it is getting or sending the information.  It's also better
to come out with a standard before there is 50 bazillion network cards
on the market.  TCP/IP and Novell aren't the only networks available on
the Amiga ;-).

>Mike Kent -  	Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Company at NASA JSC

  William J. Coldwell       Amiga Attitude Adjuster      Cryogenic Software
  3-D Pro | Anim. Station | CA-650 CD-ROM | CMI PA/MPB | Interact AppleTalk
  Nexus HD/Aries | CSA 40/4 Magnum | RAMbrandt | Video Blender | DoubleTalk
  Internet: billc@cryo.rain.com            UUCP: tektronix!percy!cryo!billc