[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Deepthot

eretherf@mcs.kent.edu (Eric Von Retherford) (06/15/91)

Could some kind soul tell me the address to Deepthot and what commands to send
it to get dirs and files??


Eric Von Retherford

cs_b152@ux.kingston.ac.uk (Vlod Kalicun) (06/17/91)

> Could some kind soul tell me the address to Deepthot and what commands to send
> it to get dirs and files??

Send a message to FileRequest@deepthot.cary.nc.us.

In the body of the message type any of the following..

HELP - Returns this message
LIST - Lists the files available
FILE: filename - requests a file.
      NOTE: filename only, do not include the directory.
Each file requires its own line in the message.

> If you have any problems, please feel free to contact me.

> |_o_o|\\
> |. o.| || The           Jay Denebeim
> | .  | ||  Software
> | o  | ||   Distillery
> |    |//        Address: UUCP:     mcnc.org!deepthot.uucp!jay
> ======                   Internet: jay@deepthot.cary.nc.us
>                BBS:(919)-460-7430      VOICE:(919)-460-6934

Regards Vlod..