[comp.sys.amiga.misc] LISP mail list and: Another Amiga reorganization needed?

mwm@pa.dec.com (Mike (My Watch Has Windows) Meyer) (06/17/91)

   > comp.sys.amiga.programmer.asm

   > Assembly related programming. There currently
   > seems to be quite a lot of people who would read
   > this group. Those of us (me, for example) who
   > don't know a LEA from a CMP could unsubscribe to
   > it without regrets.

   Well, if we go language oriented, we need to cope
   with C, Modula-2, Fortran, Lisp/Scheme/Xlisp, Draco,
   AmigaBASIC, AREXX, and probably several other popular
   Amiga languages that don't come to mind immediately.

How about comp.sys.amiga.programmer.{asm,arexx,c,misc}? That covers
the big three, and leaves a place for everything else. I would have
included m2, but you said that the mail list isn't very active, and I
don't know how it compares to the various basics.

On the other hand, I'd _love_ to have an Amiga-LISP mail list. I may
even be willing to manage it. If anyone is interested in such a list,
please send e-mail to the address below. If you can run such a list,
make sure to mention it!


P.S. to LISPers - I've got a disk with an OAKLISP port ready to ship
to Fred. Watch for it!
Take a magic carpet to the olden days			Mike Meyer
To a mythical land where everybody lays			mwm@pa.dec.com
Around in the clouds in a happy daze			decwrl!mwm
In Kizmiaz ... Kizmiaz