[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga equivilent of FrameMaker wanted.

keithw@we.UUCP (Keith Wilke) (06/15/91)

   I need a desktop publishing package that has all the features of 
FrameMaker on the Sun.  The features that I need and use are:

	* Table of Contents generation
	* Index generation
	* Cross references
	* footnotes
	* generates postscript output
	* allows you to create figures in the document
	* allows you to import bitmaps

It also must be a "What you see is what you get" type of package.  I refuse
to use text compiler.  

  If you know of any package that does all this, please let me know.

  By the way, is their someone out there that can convert the XLisp-Stat
manual from PageSetter II to something more resonable such as prowrite format?


	Keith Wilke
	6195 Lusk Blvd
	San Diego CA 92121

	!ucsd!nosc!keithw or

dale@boing.UUCP (Dale Luck) (06/17/91)

In article <0782.AA0782@we> keithw@we.UUCP (Keith Wilke) writes:
>   I need a desktop publishing package that has all the features of 
>FrameMaker on the Sun.  The features that I need and use are:
>  If you know of any package that does all this, please let me know.

If you have access to machines that have FrameMaker you can get Frame itself
to run on your Amiga with some extra software and an ethernet connection.
Your files will stay on the host machine though and you would primarily use
the Amiga as an X display station.

Are you running AmigaDOS or AmigaUNIX?

Dale Luck     GfxBase/Boing, Inc.