[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Info on AdRam and Baseboard memory expansions wanted

bad1679@ritvax.isc.rit.edu (Bernard A Doehner) (06/18/91)

Hi all,

I recently bought an Amiga 500 and have decided that I need to upgrade the
amount of memory from 1 meg up to at least 3 or 4 megs. At a local
Amiga dealer, I saw the Baseboard, the Adram, and the Spirit memory expansion

I have heard that the Spirit boards are not good from several people,
but how good are the Baseboard and/or the AdRam?

If any of you bought either of them or another memory expansion product that
can be mounted insided the Amiga 500, could you please give me some comments
on stuff like ease of instalation? What machine you installed it into?
Were you able to add the board yourself or did a dealer have to do it for you?
Did any of your programs have problems using the memory expansion boards
(Especially the Baseboard and the Adram)? 
Is there ANYTHING that is majorily wrong with the memory expansion board that
you are using? 
Also, would you recomment that I start out by buying the memory expansion board
with the extra 2 or 3 megs already on it, or should I buy it with only 512K
and get the additional memory chips from someone else?

Could you PLEASE either email your comments to me or post the comments and 
email me a reminder what newsgroup you posted them to.

Thank you very much for your time and comments 
(and help in guiding me toward a GOOD choice for a memory expansion board for 
Amiga 500).

Bernard Doehner   bad1679@ritvax.isc.rit.edu   (internet)
                  bad1679@ritvax.bitnet        (bitnet)
