[comp.sys.amiga.misc] MEI Generic Disks

DEVA@cup.portal.com (David Michael Alves) (06/11/91)

Has anyone had any experience with MEI/Micro Center's generic disks?
I ask because right now they have a special offer on their generic
3.5" DS/DD at .35 cents apiece.

Are these disks any good?  I want to purchase a few thousand, so if
anyone has recommendations on these or any other quality disks at good
prices, please respond.  Thanks!

David Alves
Devasoft 408/927-9645

guy@ns.network.com (Guy D'Andrea) (06/11/91)

In article <43159@cup.portal.com> DEVA@cup.portal.com (David Michael Alves) writes:
>Has anyone had any experience with MEI/Micro Center's generic disks?
>I ask because right now they have a special offer on their generic
>3.5" DS/DD at .35 cents apiece.
>Are these disks any good?  I want to purchase a few thousand, so if
>anyone has recommendations on these or any other quality disks at good
>prices, please respond.  Thanks!
>David Alves
>Devasoft 408/927-9645

Our local Amiga users group buys from them and I have bought a few hundred...
All were good and they are very good about exchanging bad ones. (So they say
since I have not gotten a bad one yet!)

 guy@nsco.network.com                                     //                 
 Guy Dandrea                                          \\ //                  
 Network Systems Corp., Mpls. MN                       \X/                   
 1-800-328-9108  Fax:(612)424-1736   "Me and my Amiga...anything is possible?" 

antunes@astro.psu.edu (Sandy Antunes) (06/11/91)

I buy all my disks at MEI/Micro, and I love them.
I've bought close to 1000 (just under) from them,
and so far I have a drawer with less then 10 bad
disks.  Plus, whenever I get enough, I can just mail
them the bad ones and get replacements.
  They are nice to deal with, too.  They ship things
packed well, their prices are always the best I can
see (the 3.5" at .35 cents is pretty standard for them),
and I like their cheap disk cases.
  Once, I sent a check with my order and I'd miscalculated
the amount, my check was short around $2.  They sent the
order anyway, with a little typed note saying "Your check
was short xx.xx amount, please send it in sometimes!"  I
was amazed: they hadn't held up the order but just sent
it on anyway, very professional... especially since it had
been my error in my check amount.

  So, I recommend them highly.  Oh, and I am not affiliated
with them, just a satisfied customer.

bmaple@kessner.denver.co.us (Bob Maple) (06/12/91)

> Has anyone had any experience with MEI/Micro Center's generic disks? I ask 
> because right now they have a special offer on their generic 3.5" DS/DD at .
> 35 cents apiece.

I have personaly bought atleast 250 of these over a long period of time.  I
just recently ordered some 50 more and have been using them with no problems.
Plus that, MEI has a guarantee so if one totaly fails on you, just call them
up and they'll replace them.

 : Bob Maple, The Brazilian : "If Milli Vanilli fall in a forrest, does  //:
 :   bmaple@nyx.cs.du.edu   : someone else make a sound?"            _  // :

mattel@auto-trol.com (Matt Telles) (06/12/91)

In article <43159@cup.portal.com> DEVA@cup.portal.com (David Michael Alves) writes:
>Has anyone had any experience with MEI/Micro Center's generic disks?
>I ask because right now they have a special offer on their generic
>3.5" DS/DD at .35 cents apiece.
>Are these disks any good?  I want to purchase a few thousand, so if
>anyone has recommendations on these or any other quality disks at good
>prices, please respond.  Thanks!
   Hi, I thought I would post this rather than e-mail, as others are probably as
interested ...

   My company did business with MEI a while back, ordered several thousand disks
(these were 5 1/4, but I understand the same is true of the 3 1/2).  Of these,
the greater majority was quite good.  We had maybe 20 of the 2000 go bad.  They
were extremely good at getting the disks there when they promised.  They also
offer a guarantee on the disks.  If any go bad, they will replace them for free.
(I don't know how well this part works, as 20 disks just wasn't worth dealing
with).  In general, I fully endorse MEI.  I will probably order from them on the
deal you mentioned.

   NOTE:  I am in no way affiliated with MEI, just a satisfied customer.


Matt Telles 	                 mattel@auto-trol.COM
Auto-trol Technology 12500 N Washington Denver, CO 80241-2404 (303)252-2874

consp03@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu (Kriston J. Rehberg) (06/12/91)

In article <43159@cup.portal.com>, DEVA@cup.portal.com (David Michael
Alves) writes:
|>Has anyone had any experience with MEI/Micro Center's generic disks?
|>I ask because right now they have a special offer on their generic
|>3.5" DS/DD at .35 cents apiece.
|>Are these disks any good?  I want to purchase a few thousand, so if
|>anyone has recommendations on these or any other quality disks at good
|>prices, please respond.  Thanks!

The disks are great.  I have used them for years with no problems. 
They're also the cheapest (that I know) that are available to end users.
Most other groups that advertise 35 cent disks want you to buy 1000, but
MEI lets you order in lots of 25.  Either way you add it up, MEI is the

|>David Alves

| Kriston J. Rehberg, SUNY-Binghamton Computer Services |
| consp03@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu                    |
| #include <stddiscl.h>                                 |
+----------- Only Amiga makes it possible! ------- ;-b -+

boblu@tekgen.BV.TEK.COM (Robert Luneski) (06/12/91)

In article <1991Jun11.190219.10298@newserve.cc.binghamton.edu> consp03@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu (Kriston J. Rehberg) writes:
>In article <43159@cup.portal.com>, DEVA@cup.portal.com (David Michael
>Alves) writes:
>|>Has anyone had any experience with MEI/Micro Center's generic disks?
>|>I ask because right now they have a special offer on their generic
>|>3.5" DS/DD at .35 cents apiece.
>|>Are these disks any good?  I want to purchase a few thousand, so if
>|>anyone has recommendations on these or any other quality disks at good
>|>prices, please respond.  Thanks!

Not only are the disks excellent quality, but so is the company.  
Excellent service, fast and friendly.  They actually honor thier 
"lifetime" guarentee on the disks.  I have ordered thousends of disks
from them and very few fail(5/2200), I decided to test thier guarentee
claim and was amazed when I received replacement disks in the mail!!!!
That's service support.

Bob Luneski

civir1070@ucsvax.sdsu.edu (FURRY R) (06/12/91)

MEI Micro is a great company.  They ship the disk IMMEDIATELY, and are
always VERY friendly.  Don't hesitate to but anything from them, their a
wonderful company.  I used to get bulk 5 1/4" disks from them, and they
were excellent.  Now I get bulk 3.5", and get the same good results.

/ |CIVIR1070@ucsvax.sdsu.edu| Q: Is there a UNIX FORTRAN optomizer? \
\ |    Scott Ellis          | A: Yeah, "rm *.f"    _                /
/ |_________________________|                   _ // Amiga          \

taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu (Steve Sheldon) (06/12/91)

In article <43159
@cup.portal.com>, DEVA@cup.portal.com (David Michael Alves) writes:
>Has anyone had any experience with MEI/Micro Center's generic disks?
>I ask because right now they have a special offer on their generic
>3.5" DS/DD at .35 cents apiece.
>Are these disks any good?  I want to purchase a few thousand, so if
>anyone has recommendations on these or any other quality disks at good
>prices, please respond.  Thanks!
>David Alves
>Devasoft 408/927-9645

 Hmm, I'm seeing nothing but good things, how about some bad...

About two years ago, a friend of mine bought about 50 of these, and I
ended up getting a couple of them.

 They weren't bad disks, as they did sort of work.  From what I saw
I wouldn't recommend them.  We had frequent problems with bad sectors
(usually just lost some bits) cropping up.  And it seemed to me that
the mechanical mechanism was really cheap.

 Depends on what you're going to do with them.  If you don't care about
you're data, no problem. (like making working copies of games and such)
But don't use them for important things like backing up harddrives.

 Recently I've been purchasing bulk Sony's from our user group for $.80
each.  The group makes something of a profit for library maintenance.
You can usually find bulk Sony's mail order for about $.50/each,
in quantities over 100.  I've have not had a bad disk yet from these
Sony's. (out of only about a 100 admittedly, but the user group has
sold thousands of these with no problems)

 The Sony's seem better made than the MEI's, and are not much more expensive.

---I should note that the MEI disks I saw were about two years ago, it
is quite possible that MEI has improved their quality since then.

Steve Sheldon               /// | Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum!
taak9@ccvax.iastate.edu    ///  | 
Senior, Computer Science \XX/   | Non erravi perniciose!

sss10@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Gun Control is a firm grip) (06/12/91)

Ive bought about 300 disks from MEI and have had no problems.
A few months ago they switched from blue to some grey ones but those proved to
be VERY VERY error prone. MNy friend's whole order was bad but he got them 
returned in a giffy. MEI then went back to the blue ones <if my friend is right
that is.>

I reccomend them strongly

PiRho- Because its Co-Ed!  Macintoshes should be accelerated at 32ft/sec^2
Gun Control means using both hands                                    
"Maybe You should be accelerated at 32'/sec^2 off a cliff onto some jagged
rocks. Elitist smeghead" ianj@ijpc.UUCP in [L76131w164w@ijpc.UUCP]

swarren@convex.com (Steve Warren) (06/12/91)

In article <1991Jun12.040118.13189@news.iastate.edu> taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu writes:

       [...discussion of occassional bad disks from MEI deleted...]

> Recently I've been purchasing bulk Sony's from our user group for $.80
>each.  The group makes something of a profit for library maintenance.
>You can usually find bulk Sony's mail order for about $.50/each,
>in quantities over 100.  I've have not had a bad disk yet from these
>Sony's. (out of only about a 100 admittedly, but the user group has
>sold thousands of these with no problems)


Yes, I've used hundreds of Sony's disks and I have never encountered a
problem with one yet.  I have friends with similar stories.  Sony's are
the only disks I buy now.  I don't know of any other munufacturer's disks
that I haven't encountered a bad disk from at least once.

--Steve   ._||__
  Warren   v\ *|

cmw1725@tamsun.tamu.edu (Christopher Walton) (06/13/91)

In article <1991Jun12.040118.13189@news.iastate.edu> taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu writes:
> The Sony's seem better made than the MEI's, and are not much more expensive.

What you are saying doesn't make any sense considering MEI disks are supposed
to be unbranded Sony disks...  I have used MEI disks for many years, with 
VERY few problems, and as I found out those problems were the result of a 
BAD disk drive...


bpv9073@sjfc.UUCP (Brett VanSprewenburg) (06/13/91)

In article <43159@cup.portal.com> DEVA@cup.portal.com (David Michael Alves) writes:
>Has anyone had any experience with MEI/Micro Center's generic disks?
>Are these disks any good?  I want to purchase a few thousand, so if
>anyone has recommendations on these or any other quality disks at good
>prices, please respond.  Thanks!

I'd say go for it. I've used about 300 hundred of their disks with almost
no ill effects. The reason I mention almost, is because I got what I
thought was a bad batch of disks once from them. Several out of that batch
of 25 got read/write errors, so I assumed the whole batch bad, called MEI,
they sent me advance replacements. Nice of them. That was my only 'bad'
experience, and they took care of me right away on the phone. My friend
has used about 600 with NO bad batches. I guess that one batch of 25 is
far more the exception then the rule. I'd have to say don't pass up the
deal. (I just bought 100 at .39 apiece too!!)


j_parsons@moutns.enet.dec.com (What was sliced bread the greatest thing since?) (06/13/91)

In article <17224@helios.TAMU.EDU>, cmw1725@tamsun.tamu.edu (Christopher Walton) writes:
|>From: cmw1725@tamsun.tamu.edu (Christopher Walton)
|>Subject: Re: MEI Generic Disks (recommendations)
|>Date: 12 Jun 91 19:39:18 GMT
|>Lines: 11
|>In article <1991Jun12.040118.13189@news.iastate.edu> taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu writes:
|>> The Sony's seem better made than the MEI's, and are not much more expensive.
|>What you are saying doesn't make any sense considering MEI disks are supposed
|>to be unbranded Sony disks...  I have used MEI disks for many years, with 
|>VERY few problems, and as I found out those problems were the result of a 
|>BAD disk drive...

I have bought a couple of batches of MEI disks in the past that have actually come in Sony boxes. The disks themselves don't bear any kind of logo, but the boxes they were packed in had the Sony name on them as did the sealed plastic bag inside the boxes. 

|				      |	"I have been out wandering,                          |	
|	Jack Parsons		      |	 I have travelled far,                                       |
|	j_parsons@csc32.enet.dec.com   |	 One conclusion I have reached,                     |  
|				      |	 Is God don't own a car."                                 |
|				      |	   -Jimmy Buffett, Before the Salt                   |

taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu (Steve Sheldon) (06/13/91)

In article <17224@helios.TAMU.EDU>, cmw1725@tamsun.tamu.edu (Christopher Walton) writes:
>In article <1991Jun12.040118.13189@news.iastate.edu> taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu writes:
>> The Sony's seem better made than the MEI's, and are not much more expensive.
>What you are saying doesn't make any sense considering MEI disks are supposed
>to be unbranded Sony disks...  I have used MEI disks for many years, with 
>VERY few problems, and as I found out those problems were the result of a 
>BAD disk drive...

 I'm kind of curious about this.  As I noted, the MEI disks that I 
encountered were purchased about two years ago.
Someone on the net noted that MEI disks he had been purchasing were
blue, but they had switched to grey and he had nothing but bad ones.
Bulk Sony's are generally Blue.  But I do have some Red & Yellow.

 The MEI disks I encountered were grey colored.  So it's quite
possible that they are shipping unbranded Sony's.

 But one wonders where they get them from...  I once purchased some
disks from a company that appeared to be disks thrown out by WordPerfect.
The original WP labels had been covered over.  Why did WP throw them
out?  How did this company get them?

 Are the MEI disks the same exact disks that other's sell for slightly
more?  Or did they get them some other way?

Steve Sheldon               /// | Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum!
taak9@ccvax.iastate.edu    ///  | 
Senior, Computer Science \XX/   | Non erravi perniciose!

doconnor@srg.UUCP (Dennis O'Connor x4982 room 6-230N) (06/13/91)

taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu (Steve Sheldon) writes:
]  [...] I've been purchasing bulk Sony's [...] for $.80 each.

Yesterday I bought 20 Sony 2DD (ds,dd) disks, in 5 bright colors,
in 2 plastic boxes (10 disks each), at CompUSA, a WashDC
area (and other?) software discount store, for $15.99 plus tax.

I also bought a 3000/25-100 yesterday. Am I happy ?


Dennis O'Connor,      		uunet!srg!titania!doconnor

civir1070@ucsvax.sdsu.edu (FURRY R) (06/14/91)

In article <3358@shodha.enet.dec.com>, j_parsons@moutns.enet.dec.com (What was sliced bread the greatest thing since?) writes...
>In article <17224@helios.TAMU.EDU>, cmw1725@tamsun.tamu.edu (Christopher Walton) writes:
>|>From: cmw1725@tamsun.tamu.edu (Christopher Walton)
>|>Subject: Re: MEI Generic Disks (recommendations)
>|>Date: 12 Jun 91 19:39:18 GMT
>|>Lines: 11
>|>In article <1991Jun12.040118.13189@news.iastate.edu> taak9@isuvax.iastate.edu writes:
>|>> The Sony's seem better made than the MEI's, and are not much more expensive.
>|>What you are saying doesn't make any sense considering MEI disks are supposed
>|>to be unbranded Sony disks...  I have used MEI disks for many years, with 
>|>VERY few problems, and as I found out those problems were the result of a 
>|>BAD disk drive...
>I have bought a couple of batches of MEI disks in the past that have actually come in Sony boxes. The disks themselves don't bear any kind of logo, but the boxes they were packed in had the Sony name on them as did the sealed plastic bag inside the boxes
>|				      |	"I have been out wandering,                          |	
>|	Jack Parsons		      |	 I have travelled far,                                       |
>|	j_parsons@csc32.enet.dec.com   |	 One conclusion I have reached,                     |  
>|				      |	 Is God don't own a car."                                 |
>|				      |	   -Jimmy Buffett, Before the Salt                   |

   The disks I have bought from them are always blue, and the little
manufacturing marks (Like where the plastic was held in the mold, etc.) is
EXACTLY the same as SONY disks.  The only difference I can tell is that the
little metal shutter doesn't say SONY, and the back is missing the ID
numbers, and the MADE IN JAPAN imprint.  Heck, they work like SONY disks.

/ |CIVIR1070@ucsvax.sdsu.edu| Q: Is there a UNIX FORTRAN optomizer? \
\ |    Scott Ellis          | A: Yeah, "rm *.f"    _                /
/ |_________________________|                   _ // Amiga          \

dona@vicstoy.UUCP (Don Allen) (06/18/91)

>>|>> The Sony's seem better made than the MEI's, and are not much more expensive.
>>|>What you are saying doesn't make any sense considering MEI disks are supposed
>>|>to be unbranded Sony disks...  I have used MEI disks for many years, with 
>>|>VERY few problems, and as I found out those problems were the result of a 
>>|>BAD disk drive...
>>I have bought a couple of batches of MEI disks in the past that have actually come in Sony boxes. The disks themselves don't bear any kind of logo, but the boxes they were packed in had the Sony name on them as did the sealed plastic bag inside the boxes
>numbers, and the MADE IN JAPAN imprint.  Heck, they work like SONY disks.
> ___________________________________________________________________
>/ |CIVIR1070@ucsvax.sdsu.edu| Q: Is there a UNIX FORTRAN optomizer? \
>\ |    Scott Ellis          | A: Yeah, "rm *.f"    _                /
>/ |_________________________|                   _ // Amiga          \

I've been buying these for the last two years and have *never* had a problem
with them. They are blue, have NO markings, and usually come 25 to a bag.
I have been getting them at $.39 a piece, or $39 per 100..if you can get
them at 35 cents a piece..grab it, it's a *good* deal!
PLUS..for a double bonus..MEI has the BEST guarantee. If the disk _is_
bad..send it back and you get a free replacement.

HOW can you beat that?!

-* Don Allen *-  InterNet: dona@bilver.UUCP  // Amiga..for the rest of us.
USnail: 1818G Landing Dr, Sanford Fl 32771 \X/ Why use anything else? :^)
UUCP: ..uunet!tarpit!bilver!vicstoy!dona      0110 0110 0110 Just say NO! 
Illuminati < MJ-12|Grudge|TLC|CFR|FED|EEC|Bush > WAR = "New World Order"