[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Check Register/Budgeter/Porfolio Analyzer

rlcarr@athena.mit.edu (Richard L. Carreiro) (06/18/91)

I am looking for a program or programs that can be a

- allow you to set up accounts, incomes, and expenses, enter transactions,
 confirm against statements (i.e. like Pha$ar 3.0)

- set up and analyze budgets, loans, and savings accounts

- manage and analyze investment portfolios

Graphs are not necessarily important, but being able to print out the figures

Please reply by *EMAIL*; I will summarize to the net.

Thanks in advance!!

Rich Carreiro                                    "My country, right or wrong,"
ARPA: rlcarr@athena.mit.edu                                is like
UUCP: ...!mit-eddie!mit-athena!rlcarr            "My driver, sober or drunk."
BITNET: rlcarr@athena.mit.edu      JITTLOV FOREVER!