[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Looking for Xspecs-3D and programming info

chymes@uri.csmil.umich.edu (Charles Hymes) (06/11/91)

Does X-Specs 3d exist as a product, and/or does Haitex Resources Inc.
exist as a company? I want to build a Virtual reality instalation. I
would be willing to buy a set of X-Specs used IF they came with
sufficient info on programming them.
On second thought,, if you have a set, and are willing to sell them, I
could negotiate with you regardless of any docs you might have.
And, if you have no glasses, but have programming docs, I would love
to work something out with you.

Charles Hymes

rsbx@cbmvax.commodore.com (Raymond S. Brand) (06/11/91)

In article <YM=-8-G@engin.umich.edu>, chymes@uri.csmil.umich.edu (Charles Hymes) writes:
> Does X-Specs 3d exist as a product, and/or does Haitex Resources Inc.
> exist as a company? I want to build a Virtual reality instalation. I
> would be willing to buy a set of X-Specs used IF they came with
> sufficient info on programming them.

No they don't, but here's what you need to know.

The shutters (lenses) are controlled by the transition of the control line. A
low-to-high will close (darken) one side and open the other; a high-to-low will
close the other side. If no transition occures for a long period of time both
shutters open.

The control line is usually the "fire button" line of the second joystick port.

The glasses do not work well with long-persistence[sp?] monitors, Flicker
Fixers, or Commodore Display Enhancers.

> On second thought,, if you have a set, and are willing to sell them, I
> could negotiate with you regardless of any docs you might have.
> And, if you have no glasses, but have programming docs, I would love
> to work something out with you.
> Charles Hymes
> chymes@csmil.umich.edu


  Raymond S. Brand			rsbx@cbmvax.commodore.com
  Commodore-Amiga Engineering		...!uunet!cbmvax!rsbx
  1200 Wilson Drive			(215)-431-9100
  West Chester PA 19380			"Looking"
	What if Commodore held a DevCon and nobody showed up?

jcs@crash.cts.com (John Schultz) (06/13/91)

In <22321@cbmvax.commodore.com> rsbx@cbmvax.commodore.com (Raymond S. Brand) writes:

>In article <YM=-8-G@engin.umich.edu>, chymes@uri.csmil.umich.edu (Charles Hymes) writes:
>> Does X-Specs 3d exist as a product, and/or does Haitex Resources Inc.
>> exist as a company? I want to build a Virtual reality instalation. I
>> would be willing to buy a set of X-Specs used IF they came with
>> sufficient info on programming them.

>No they don't, but here's what you need to know.

  Yes they do exist (X-Specs and Haitex). Haitex can be reached at
(803) 881-7518. X-Specs are still available and new products are on the
way. Virtual Reality has resurrected interest in the product.

>The control line is usually the "fire button" line of the second joystick port.

  Pin 6 (0xbfe001 in ciaa, see the Amiga Hardware Manual for details), is
configured as an output. The bit is toggled during vertical blanking to
flip the glasses (VERTB or COPPER interrupt).

>The glasses do not work well with long-persistence[sp?] monitors, Flicker
>Fixers, or Commodore Display Enhancers.

  The glasses do not work well with slow-decay phosphor or LC displays. They
will not work with the Microway FlickerFixer. They work *great* with the
Commodore Display Enhancer [as long as the interlace bit is disabled].
If you write your own copper lists and don't use the "interlace trick" to get
3D, you'll have no problems. Remember my 3D multiplayer dogfight simulator
I showed at DevCon Atlanta, running on two A3000s with de-interlacers enabled?

>> On second thought,, if you have a set, and are willing to sell them, I
>> could negotiate with you regardless of any docs you might have.
>> And, if you have no glasses, but have programming docs, I would love
>> to work something out with you.

  You can buy a brand new pair from Haitex. They're giving the Amiga market
another shot.


jerry@truevision.com (Jerry Thompson) (06/19/91)

In article <22321@cbmvax.commodore.com> rsbx@cbmvax.commodore.com (Raymond S. Brand) writes:
>In article <YM=-8-G@engin.umich.edu>, chymes@uri.csmil.umich.edu (Charles Hymes) writes:
>> Does X-Specs 3d exist as a product, and/or does Haitex Resources Inc.
>> exist as a company? I want to build a Virtual reality instalation. I
>> would be willing to buy a set of X-Specs used IF they came with
>> sufficient info on programming them.
>No they don't, but here's what you need to know.
>The shutters (lenses) are controlled by the transition of the control line. A
>low-to-high will close (darken) one side and open the other; a high-to-low will
>close the other side. If no transition occures for a long period of time both
>shutters open.
>The control line is usually the "fire button" line of the second joystick port.

Great!  Now, tell me again how we control the fire button line of the second 
joystick port?

Jerry Thompson                 |     // checks  ___________   | "I'm into S&M,
I loved the peace and solitude | \\ //   and    |    |    |   |  Sarcasm and
so much, I invited my friends. |  \X/ balances /_\   |   /_\  |  Mass Sarcasm."