[comp.sys.amiga.misc] KS-WB 2.04

neil@celia.UUCP (Neil Richmond) (06/18/91)

 This has probably been asked many times before, but can anyone tell me
the aproximate release of 2.04. It has a fix that I need for one of my
programs and I am not a developer, obviously. Thanks.


Only 3120 shopping days left till the next millenium! 
Neil F. Richmond         INTERNET: celia!neil@usc.edu
Rhythm & Hues Inc.       UUCP: ...{ames,hplabs}!lll-tis!celia!neil)

rblewitt@sdcc6.ucsd.edu (Richard Blewitt) (06/19/91)

In article <1068@celia.UUCP> celia!neil@usc.edu (Neil Richmond) writes:
> This has probably been asked many times before, but can anyone tell me
>the aproximate release of 2.04. It has a fix that I need for one of my
>programs and I am not a developer, obviously. Thanks.

A marketroid said that they were on schedule for an August release
date.  This was at the begining of the month, so who knows what is
the situation now.  We can only hope this date will be kept.


The generic .sig          Rick Blewitt     rblewitt@ucsd.edu