[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Commodore add in unix world

kelson@ais.org (David Lewis) (06/17/91)

  Hi, Did anyone see the add in the July Issue of Unix world?  It was
a pretty deceant add!  It was a full page, and featured a picture of a
guy riding a motorcycle.... along with info aboutt the 3000UX.  Its
good to see commodore get some advertising. 

Internet: Kelson@ais.org

wendell@medsys.uucp (Wendell Dingus) (06/20/91)

kelson@ais.org (David Lewis) writes:

>  Hi, Did anyone see the add in the July Issue of Unix world?  It was
>a pretty deceant add!  It was a full page, and featured a picture of a
>guy riding a motorcycle.... along with info aboutt the 3000UX.  Its
>good to see commodore get some advertising. 

>Internet: Kelson@ais.org

That ad is nicely done, but like everything else there's something to argue
about in CBM's advertising ;-)  This time I don't like the orange and blue
colors they used on the X windows on a 1950 monitor... Looks like some 
unreleased color X release for use without a 2410 or equivalent... The orange
and blue are the same shades we grew to loathe on 1.x versions of AmigaDOS.
Other than that _little_ thing, it's a nicely done advertisement...

Wendell Dingus                        UseNet: ...uunet!nstar!medsys!wendell
Wendell Dingus                       UseNet: ...uunet!nstar!medsys!wendell