[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Need multiport serial driver!!!!

thierman@namao.ucs.ualberta.ca (Chris Thierman) (06/16/91)

After having purchased an Amiga 2232 card, I've found that I cannot 
seem to communicate with the card. The software supplied by commodore
specificly the serial.device driver does not seem to work at all.
Ether that or my board is defective. In anycase I would like to 
get a copy from someone who knows his or her's works, so that I might
varify the functioning of the board. In order that I can connect out 
at all I had to put back the original serial.device.
			-Chris Thierman

cmcmanis@stpeter.Eng.Sun.COM (Chuck McManis) (06/20/91)

In article <1991Jun15.181950.26600@brazeau.ucs.ualberta.ca> thierman@namao.ucs.ualberta.ca (Chris Thierman) writes:
>After having purchased an Amiga 2232 card, I've found that I cannot 
>seem to communicate with the card. The software supplied by commodore
>specificly the serial.device driver does not seem to work at all.

I have a 2232 that works fine (witness this response). To use the 2232
requires changing more than just serial.device, you must also change
the Port-Handler, Aux-Handler and Mount command. (of course you only
really need Aux-Handler and Mount if you are going to use it through
AmigaBasic or with NewCLI but ...) anyway. I take it the install
program crashed you machine like it did on mine? 

Put those new files on your machine and everything will work fine. Trust

--Chuck McManis						    Sun Microsystems
uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis   BIX: <none>   Internet: cmcmanis@Eng.Sun.COM
These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you.
"I tell you this parrot is bleeding deceased!"