[comp.sys.amiga.misc] InstallHD & Prod_prep

sjk@aura.nbn.com (Scott J. Kramer) (06/05/91)


The A3000Install:InstallHD script (updated for 2.03) contains the

    echo "Updating Rigid Disk Block (filesystem)."
    A3000Install:Prod_prep >NIL: Unit 6 layout A3000Install:PrepUpScript

and PrepUpScript ("Up" as in "Update"?) contains:

    readfs l:fastfilesystem version 103 dostype 0x444f5301
    reselect off

Is this non-destructive to user data currently on SCSI drive unit 6?
Gee, I wonder what was changed/fixed in FastFileSystem.  Oh, is there
doc on Prod_prep available?  If I pay CATS $75?

Minor nits:

InstallHD doesn't delete the older versions of the commodity programs
which now reside in the Tools/Commodities drawer (hmm, the Exchange
program is in Utilities, not Tools).  Would have been nice for the
script to save originals of normally-user-modified files such as
DEVS:MountList and S:Startup-sequence.  Not that I expect to be
running InstallHD again anytime soon...


Scott J. Kramer			UUCP:	   {sun,ucbvax}!pixar!aura!sjk
P.O. Box 3392			Internet:  sjk@aura.nbn.com
San Rafael, CA  94912

andy@cbmvax.commodore.com (Andy Finkel) (06/06/91)

In article <SJK.91Jun5000620@aura.nbn.com> sjk@aura.nbn.com writes:
>    readrdb
>    readfs l:fastfilesystem version 103 dostype 0x444f5301
>    reselect off
>    writerdb
>    quit
>Is this non-destructive to user data currently on SCSI drive unit 6?
>Gee, I wonder what was changed/fixed in FastFileSystem.  

yes, its non-destructive.  It reads the rigid disk block,
modifies it, and sames it out again.

Oh, is there doc on Prod_prep available?  If I pay CATS $75?

No.  It's not meant for users.  It has no UI to speak of.  HDtoolBox can do
what prod_prep does, but with a GUI.

andy finkel		{uunet|rutgers|amiga}!cbmvax!andy
Commodore-Amiga, Inc.

 "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a popsicle."

Any expressed opinions are mine; but feel free to share.
I disclaim all responsibilities, all shapes, all sizes, all colors.

caw@miroc.Chi.IL.US (Christopher A. Wichura) (06/12/91)

In article <22206@cbmvax.commodore.com> andy@cbmvax.commodore.com (Andy Finkel) writes:
>In article <SJK.91Jun5000620@aura.nbn.com> sjk@aura.nbn.com writes:
>>    readrdb
>>    readfs l:fastfilesystem version 103 dostype 0x444f5301
>>    reselect off
>>    writerdb
>>    quit
>>Is this non-destructive to user data currently on SCSI drive unit 6?
>>Gee, I wonder what was changed/fixed in FastFileSystem.
>yes, its non-destructive.  It reads the rigid disk block,
>modifies it, and sames it out again.

But it is destructive if you have more than one HD in the machine.  I looked
at the PrepUpScript found on the 2.03 install disk and used that as the basis
of a script to turn reselection on (I'm a developer so have the newer
kickstarts and wanted an easy way to turn reselect back on on both my
drives).  The script I made is basically the same as the one above except
that is didn't have the readfs line.  I then issued the commands:

       Prod_Prep unit 6 layout ResOn
       Prod_Prep unit 5 layout ResOn

       (Unit 6 is the original 40 meg quantum and unit 5 is a 210S)

Then when I powercycled the 3000 it wouldn't recognize unit 6.  At first I
thought the drive had died (this was the first time in about 2 months the
machine had actually been turned off so I didn't know if it was having
trouble powering up).  After booting from floppies and running HDToolBox
(which found unit 6 and had the partitioning info) and getting a requester
about drives being moved or removed and it was going to mark a drive as
changed (which at first I didn't save because I though it meant that unit 6
was removed) I found that I could run verify on the drive and it would work.
So eventually I got my guts up and saved the 210's changed status and then
power cycling the machine worked.  Came right up like normal.  What sort of
magic is stored in the RDB that would cause a problem like this?  And
shouldn't Prod_Prep just be reading the RDB and not play with magic like

>>Oh, is there doc on Prod_prep available?  If I pay CATS $75?
>No.  It's not meant for users.  It has no UI to speak of.  HDtoolBox can do
>what prod_prep does, but with a GUI.

It does have a usage if you hit ?, and NewZAPing it it looks like it's got
plenty of internal documentation (like a list of the major commands and their
args like readfs, etc).

-=> CAW

Christopher A. Wichura                Multitasking.  Just DO it.
caw@miroc.chi.il.us  (my amiga)                          ...the Amiga way...
u12401@uicvm.uic.edu (school account)

andy@cbmvax.commodore.com (Andy Finkel) (06/13/91)

In article <caw.1815@miroc.Chi.IL.US> caw@miroc.Chi.IL.US (Christopher A. Wichura) writes:
>But it is destructive if you have more than one HD in the machine.  I looked
>at the PrepUpScript found on the 2.03 install disk and used that as the basis

>Then when I powercycled the 3000 it wouldn't recognize unit 6.  At first I

While confusing, it is still non-destructive.  Running Hdtoolbox
and picking "Save Changes to Drives" will bring the drive back
with no data loss.  

Note:  ProdPrep can be destructive.  Once you start making your
own scripts, you can wipe data from the drives if you so choose.
(or if you make a mistake).  

>>>Oh, is there doc on Prod_prep available?  If I pay CATS $75?
>>No.  It's not meant for users.  It has no UI to speak of.  HDtoolBox can do
>>what prod_prep does, but with a GUI.
>It does have a usage if you hit ?, and NewZAPing it it looks like it's got
>plenty of internal documentation (like a list of the major commands and their
>args like readfs, etc).

True, but there are still no docs.

>-=> CAW
andy finkel		{uunet|rutgers|amiga}!cbmvax!andy
Commodore-Amiga, Inc.

 "2.0 is not the answer.  2.0 is the question.  Yes is the answer."

Any expressed opinions are mine; but feel free to share.
I disclaim all responsibilities, all shapes, all sizes, all colors.

ridder@elvira.enet.dec.com (Hans Ridder) (06/21/91)

In article <SJK.91Jun5000620@aura.nbn.com> sjk@aura.nbn.com writes:
>and PrepUpScript ("Up" as in "Update"?) contains:
>    readrdb
>    readfs l:fastfilesystem version 103 dostype 0x444f5301
>    reselect off

I assume that this turns off reselection?!  Hmmm....

>    writerdb
>    quit
>Scott J. Kramer			UUCP:	   {sun,ucbvax}!pixar!aura!sjk

  Hans-Gabriel Ridder			Digital Equipment Corporation
  ridder@elvira.enet.dec.com		Customer Support Center
  ...decwrl!elvira.enet!ridder		Colorado Springs, CO