[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Latest KS/WB


Hello, net - I have received from C= Italy an A3000 16/50 with
Kickstart 2.01, Workbench 2.0 (and 1.3.2), Extras 2.0 (and 1.3).

Now in a short time I will leave Italy for the U.S. (Batavia, IL,
where I will remain 4 weeks); and I would like to obtain the
current releases (2.03, 1.3.3) that, I understand from your
speechs, are freely obtainable from 3000 owners, and bring them
back to Italy.

The question is: what do I need? The original disks, I suppose;
and then? Just enter an Amiga shop (I know where to find a good
one near Batavia)? Or mail them to C= USA? If they are to be
mailed to C=, should I include a check? How many dollars?

By the way, I am amazed: I am (should be?) a developer, and the
conclusion seems to be that C= Italy still needs to debug 2.01...
maybe they did not hear about 2.04... but 30 days have passed
since I received my 3000 (and 29 since I delivered it back to
the local support service for a defective hard disk; I'm still
waiting my Amy back, but this is a different story) and I think
that, to obtain a bug-free Operating System ASAP, to have a
look around while being in the United States should be the
easiest and fastest way.

- Only my opinions ... --------- (programmer since 1968) --------- aka I3NOO. -
 Maurizio Loreti - University of Padova - Department of Physics - Padova, Italy
 DECnet:   VAXFPD::LORETI        i.e. 39169::LORETI