[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amax and the AE 1.52HD floppy

martin@TIGGER.STCLOUD.MSUS.EDU (Jim Martin CBM Amiga Rep at St. Cloud State, MN) (06/22/91)

Does amax have the ability to read Apple HD disks if a AE drive is hooked up?
Does the AE drive allow for one to read IBM HD disks in a program such as
  Disk-to-Disk or DOS-2-DOS ?..

Any Ideas??

** Jim Martin          The Amiga CAN do it!!         //// Can that CPM      **
** CBM Student Rep      A3000T (wow) I'll take 2.   //// emulator run on my **
** St. Cloud State, MN                       \\\\  //// Apple ][ emulator on**
**                        PsIgOn MaTrIx       \\\\//// my Mac emulator on my**
** martin@tigger.stcloud.msus.edu              \\\/// Amiga?????????        **